Chris & Ruth Rogers
Elder - Senior Pastor
Both Chris and Ruth had the privilege of coming to a personal understanding of their need for a Savior (Rom 3:10) at an early age, and soon accepted God's free gift of salvation (Rom 6:23; Eph 2:8-9). The impact of that decision has... more
Enriko & Alisa Stigter
Elder - Associate Pastor (Young Adults, Youth), Administrator
Enriko was born in the Netherlands. His family attended the Dutch Reformed Church, but it wasn’t until he was 18 that he realized he was a sinner and needed to believe in and... more
Paul & Tammy Hayes
Elder - Music Director
Paul’s passion is to help bring the congregation into the presence of God in worship through music that honors Him and accurately reflects His Word. Paul wants the church to vertically worship God in song and horizontally learn... more
Bob & Cindy Renckly
Elder - Evangelism/New Believer Discipleship, Adult Sunday School
I was born into a large, devout Catholic family in 1952. At that time, I understood God to be an impartial judge, rather than a loving, righteous Father, though I had a sincere belief more...
Michael & Sally Helland
Head Deacon - IT, Audio/Visual
Michael was saved by grace at an early age after being convicted of his sin and need for a Savior while attending VBS and was baptized in his early teens. Sally was raised in a pastor's home and at 19, by the grace of God's effectual call… more
Loren Beckner
Deacon - Finances, Young Adult Assist
Loren has lived in Gig Harbor his whole life. From an early age, Loren accepted Jesus as Lord and believed the Gospel. During his teen years, God was really moving in his heart. A passion for Jesus became more infused in… more
Willie & Hannah Clark
Deacon - VBS, Ushers
Willie was born and raised his first 12 years in southern California. In 1987 when Willie was in the 6th grade his family moved to the Willamette Valley in Oregon. Only through divine intervention his parents enrolled him into a… more
Mac & Ashly Davis
Deacon - Young Men’s Bible Study, Seniors’ Outreach, Family Camp
Mac was primarily raised in Gig Harbor and attended a local non-denominational church throughout his middle school and high school years. During his early years, Mac was aware both of God’s reality... more
Aaron & Jen Frizzell
Deacon - Exterior Facilities
Bio coming soon.
Daniel & Emily Hunt
Deacon - Facilities, Care Ministries
Daniel was saved at an early age when he heard the gospel at VBS. He and his wife Emily met when they were thirteen in Kansas, where both of their fathers were pastoring local churches. In 2007, Daniel joined the USMC at… more.
Eric & Ryka Rogers
Deacon - Custodial Director
Eric was born in Fairfield, California to Al and Cheryl Rogers, placed his faith in Jesus Christ at age six, and was baptized at Vacaville Bible Church at age eight. He considers it a privilege to have been raised by parents who loved the Lord and... more