Bob Renckly


I was born into a large, devout Catholic family in 1952. At that time, I understood God to be an impartial judge, rather than a loving, righteous Father, though I had a sincere belief in Him. My teen years, however, were spent during the late ‘60’s and early ‘70’s, a time of rebellion during which I began to question society’s moral standards, rejecting the religion I was raised in. I considered myself an “agnostic”, though never fully rejecting a belief in God; just not interested.

After Cindy and I married in Arizona in 1974, we tried attending church, but never found one that seemed “real”. After moving to Lake Holiday in 1978, we were invited to Vaughn Community Church, where we both receive Christ in 1980. For six months, we were “saved” but rather shallow in our understanding of God. We began attending a Bible Study, based on the book, “Pursuit of Holiness” Jerry Bridges, and began to realize how much more there was to this new faith. We began reading our Bibles, and after a while we taught Sunday school, led youth group, and eventually, I was elected as an elder. I also served in this capacity at Community Bible Fellowship for many years. The Lord led us here in 2020, during the pandemic, where I’ve been honored to lead the Men’s Bible Study on Wednesday Morning, and for several months, the High School Sunday School class.

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