Eric & Ryka Rogers

DEACON - Custodial Director

Eric was born in Fairfield, California to Al and Cheryl Rogers, placed his faith in Jesus Christ at age six, and was baptized at Vacaville Bible Church at age eight. He considers it a privilege to have been raised by parents who loved the Lord and taught him biblical truths and values. Although he grew up in a Christian home, was homeschooled, and was involved in ministry in his teen years, after leaving home at age 21, he started down a 10-year rebellious and selfish path, giving up his faith and morals to pursue the sinful pleasures of the world. But God’s amazing grace and mercy never let him go, and even the most unworthy sinner was given a second chance. 

At the end of 2014, Eric met Ryka, who had come from the Philippines to spend time caring for her late mother who was suffering from stage 3 terminal cancer. About a month after Ryka’s mother passed, she met Eric and they started dating. Early in their relationship the topic of personal beliefs and faith came up. Ryka who was raised catholic had a lot of questions. Eric shared some resources about Jesus and the Christian faith, as well as the booklet, Ultimate Questions, and the gospel presentation video on the DBC website. Shortly after, Ryka placed her faith in Jesus and committed her life to Christ. Through her testimony of salvation, Eric was convicted of his own rebellion to God. Humbled by Jesus’ sacrifice and unconditional love, he started back on the path of repentance. No longer a slave to sin, but as a new creation, Eric was able to overcome sin by God’s grace. He is grateful and thankful for the prayers and support of family and church friends who never gave up on him.  

Ryka was baptized at DBC in January 2016 and married Eric a month later. They now have 2 boys, Angelo (13), and Joseph (5). God has blessed them with a home in Parkland, where they have lived since 2018.  

Ryka enjoys reading, writing, gardening, and archery. She manages the home, finances and homeschools the boys. Ryka has been blessed with the opportunity to serve in the nursery and teach in Sunday school and VBS. She is also teaching a Computer Science class and a Bible class for high school in a homeschool co-op in Tacoma.  

Eric is now a Commercial Low Voltage Electrical Foreman and has worked in the trade for 9 years. He enjoys disc golfing with Angelo, shooting pool, and spending time with family. Eric serves in ushering, and regularly goes out with Tacoma Rescue Mission in street ministry. 

Eric and Ryka serve as church custodial directors, overseeing 45+ volunteers and inspiring them in the direction of inward fruitfulness in CHRIST likeness and outward fruitfulness in the advancement of HIS kingdom. 

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