Difficulties in life


A few days ago I firmly held the hand of my little four year old granddaughter Susanna as we walked up and down stone steps viewing a more than 5000 year old temple near Malta. Her little feet slipped a time or two, but because I was holding her hand she did not fall; in fact she barely noticed the slip that could have landed her painfully on her little bottom. I immediately thought of the parallel situation in our lives where God wants to firmly hold our hand throughout life, but generally we resist and choose independence—inevitable falls result.

As I studied for this week’s Ladies Bible Study my heart fastened on this beautiful verse. “The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way;” (Psalms 37:23, ESV) Oh that we would love holding His hand.

Sally Helland plans to lead the study time this Thursday morning. Plan to be there and participate in the discussion oh Psalm 37; you will be blessed.

Mark and I look forward to seeing all of you Sunday morning. It will be delightful to be back to our church family.


A really big table is set at our house at Thanksgiving time.  We celebrated with the Suko side of the family this past Saturday with 32 (including 12 children) at our house for turkey and all the fixings.  I particularly love this time of year because of the emphasis on giving thanks that is bound to bring joy to the truly grateful soul.

In our increasingly secular society have we lost sight of honestly being thankful to God for everything.  We sort out prosperity and health as things we give thanks for.  But in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 it says to " ...give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." We must never forget that God is totally in control of everything and He allows easy times and hard times all for our benefit and His glory.  Actually, even though we would never ask God for difficulties, we know that those are the times we seek His face the most and rely on Him the more deeply.  And so, these are really the best of times--the times we need to be the most thankful.  For sure in eternity the hard days of the past will shine the brightest as God's goodness to us.

Let's enjoy this Thanksgiving being thankful about everything.


We can be so easily confused as to what a rich life looks like.  Most media advertisements try to convince us that having the perfect job, driving the right car, living in the right house, having the right friends, good health, and traveling to all the countries we have ever dreamed of would make a beautiful life for us.  But, generally this pursuit of happiness leaves the pursuer empty and wondering if that is really all there is.

Last week my dear friend Marie (pictured here) passed from this life into breath-taking eternity to ever be with the Lord.  She had battled cancer for 19 years--that might sound like a dismal life.  In reality her life was rich because of her close walk with the Lord and her great dependence on Him.  Just as a child who suffers is comforted and encouraged by a parent who loves and cares for them, so it is for those who have a wonderful Heavenly Father caring for them. 

Twenty-one years ago Marie wrote this to me during a time of great difficulty for her.

"If I just obey Him I know He will fill me up and draw me closer to Him.

Psalm 18:30-32“As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless.  He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him.  For who is God besides the Lord?  And who is the Rock, except our God?  It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.”

It is God—only God. He will sustain me."

This attitude has been consistent for her through all the years of cancer and various heartaches in her life.  What a beautiful example of a truly rich life.

Ladies Bible Study will begin again on Thursday morning September 8th at 9:30.  I'm looking forward to leading the discussion as we study twelve amazing women of the Bible.  Plan to join us for encouragement to live wholeheartedly for the Lord--this is a truly rich life!