Today Mark and I have a relatively quiet home compared to 29 years ago.
But, one thing has remained consistent during all these years—our serious desire to glorify God by living as He has given instructions in His word.
Our natural inclinations cannot lead us to a flourishing life. And when we ignore or take lightly God’s directions about life we contribute to the destruction of our own life and that of our family. That is why we must take seriously what God says in His word just as Moses told the Israelites that following God’s instructions should be their life. Is this how we view the incredible Word of God?
Having spent a couple of weeks studying the core of any family—the husband-wife relationship, this week our Ladies Bible Study will begin looking at the role of parents, children, and discipline; particularly as viewed from Proverbs. Please don’t excuse yourself from our time together because you don’t currently have children in your home. Our study will have pertinent information for every woman to have as part of her understanding of God’s plan for us. Surely you know someone you can encourage with what we will be learning, or someone you can bring along that could use some help.
Please study the first 3 days of Lesson 9—The Family II—Parents, Children, and Discipline for this week’s class.