Living for God


What a beautiful depiction of what it may have been like when Simeon and Anna marveled and rejoiced in the Temple when the long awaited Messiah was brought to them.  This week as I have been studying the three short verses about Anna's amazing devotion to God I have beenchallenged to continue on in happily serving Him for as long as He gives me strength and ability.  Life is short; every day is a precious gift that we don't want to waste on selfish ambitions.  Anna inspires me to rejoice in the Messiah during this busy season and live with passion for God.

Ladies, this is our last Thursday morning Bible study for 2016.  I'm looking forward to seeing you and sharing a time of encouragement in our faithfulness to God in our daily lives.


We can be so easily confused as to what a rich life looks like.  Most media advertisements try to convince us that having the perfect job, driving the right car, living in the right house, having the right friends, good health, and traveling to all the countries we have ever dreamed of would make a beautiful life for us.  But, generally this pursuit of happiness leaves the pursuer empty and wondering if that is really all there is.

Last week my dear friend Marie (pictured here) passed from this life into breath-taking eternity to ever be with the Lord.  She had battled cancer for 19 years--that might sound like a dismal life.  In reality her life was rich because of her close walk with the Lord and her great dependence on Him.  Just as a child who suffers is comforted and encouraged by a parent who loves and cares for them, so it is for those who have a wonderful Heavenly Father caring for them. 

Twenty-one years ago Marie wrote this to me during a time of great difficulty for her.

"If I just obey Him I know He will fill me up and draw me closer to Him.

Psalm 18:30-32“As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is flawless.  He is a shield for all who take refuge in Him.  For who is God besides the Lord?  And who is the Rock, except our God?  It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.”

It is God—only God. He will sustain me."

This attitude has been consistent for her through all the years of cancer and various heartaches in her life.  What a beautiful example of a truly rich life.

Ladies Bible Study will begin again on Thursday morning September 8th at 9:30.  I'm looking forward to leading the discussion as we study twelve amazing women of the Bible.  Plan to join us for encouragement to live wholeheartedly for the Lord--this is a truly rich life!