Are We Thankful?

I am working on a short document concerning my clear and dear understanding of who God is. This study is blessing my soul to overflowing, so I must share some little thoughts with you.

“For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God (the original language meaning the creator, owner and sustainer of all things), they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” Romans 1:20-21

Man’s simple ingratitude against God is shocking. “I cannot say anything much worse of a man than that he is not thankful to those who have been his benefactors; and when you say that he is not thankful to God, you have said about the worst thing you can say of him.” (Spurgeon)

“But when you glorify God as God, and are thankful for everything - when you can take up a bit of bread and a cup of cold water, and say with the poor Puritan, ‘What, all this, and Christ too?’ - then are you happy, and you make others happy. A godly preacher, finding that all that there was for dinner was a potato and a herring, thanked God that he had ransacked sea and land to find food for his children. Such a sweet spirit breeds love to everybody, and makes a man go through the world cheerfully.” (Spurgeon)

All glory to God for His generous loving heart toward us.

Choosing Now to Growing Grand, Not Old

No doubt we would all love to grow grand and not old as the years of our lives go by. But, how many of us have thought about how that happens? Are there certain decisions we make when we are young that determine a grand outcome? Or is all of this just chance? In Teri Gasser’s book “Choose Now to Grow Grand, Not Old” she says this; “It doesn’t matter where you are in life—young, middle-aged, or beyond—you need a plan to live well, especially if you live long.”

I have dreamed of Teri coming to share with all of us her great depth of understanding of women’s lives from a beautiful Biblical perspective. Now we are so blessed that she will be speaking on Thursday morning for us and then continue on Saturday and Sunday. The Ladies Conference will be from 9:30 to 4 on this Saturday with many interesting activities as well as Teri speaking twice. Sunday morning during Sunday School she will also continue to speak on the conference topic of growing grand relationships.

Please plan to join us May 2 at 9:30 at church as God uses Teri to bless all of us. We plan to have a lunch potluck following our meeting. So bring along a dish to share. See you then.

The Deliverance

“Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding.” Job 38:4

 “The Lord, in this discourse, humbles Job, and brings him to repent of his passionate expressions concerning God's providential dealings with him; and this he does, by calling upon Job to compare God's being from everlasting to everlasting, with his own time; God's knowledge of all things, with his own ignorance; and God's almighty power, with his own weakness. Our darkening the counsels of God's wisdom with our folly, is a great provocation to God. Humble faith and sincere obedience see farthest and best into the will of the Lord.” Matthew Henry

I am so excited about our study on Thursday concerning the conclusion of Job’s incredibly difficult journey. We have sloshed through deep mud with Job, now we come to beautiful green meadows and sunshine as God speaks. We all find ourselves in dark valleys at times in our lives and all that God has to say to Job should encourage and soothe our hearts during those times. Even if you have missed a good deal of our Job studies, you do not want to miss this one—Thursday morning April 25th.

Also, all ladies are invited to come next Thursday morning May 2nd at 9:30 for a special time with our Ladies Conference speaker Teri Gasser. I particularly asked if she would speak on the subject of “Growing Grand, Not Old.” I read her book by this title and found it very interesting and helpful; you may find it life changing. We will follow our time with her on the 2nd with a potluck lunch.