

A few days ago I firmly held the hand of my little four year old granddaughter Susanna as we walked up and down stone steps viewing a more than 5000 year old temple near Malta. Her little feet slipped a time or two, but because I was holding her hand she did not fall; in fact she barely noticed the slip that could have landed her painfully on her little bottom. I immediately thought of the parallel situation in our lives where God wants to firmly hold our hand throughout life, but generally we resist and choose independence—inevitable falls result.

As I studied for this week’s Ladies Bible Study my heart fastened on this beautiful verse. “The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way;” (Psalms 37:23, ESV) Oh that we would love holding His hand.

Sally Helland plans to lead the study time this Thursday morning. Plan to be there and participate in the discussion oh Psalm 37; you will be blessed.

Mark and I look forward to seeing all of you Sunday morning. It will be delightful to be back to our church family.