Blessings Overflowing

A very happy time occurred this past year when all eight of our children (and their families) came together with us to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.

A very happy time occurred this past year when all eight of our children (and their families) came together with us to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.

“You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.” Psalm 23:5b

With Mother’s Day coming up this weekend my thoughts concerning blessings go toward our wonderful eight children given to us by God in His great kindness to my husband and me. God led us beautifully through difficult, as well as, joyous events during the forty-one years children were in our home. Now, He blesses us even more with the happiness of wonderful grandchildren and great grandchildren; our “cup overflows with blessings.”

Perhaps the most important thing in my life during all my years of mothering (and even now) came down to spending real connected time with the Lord every day not only attentively reading His Word, but, also pouring my heart out to Him. I came across a beautiful quote from Samuel Burder (1773-1837)in his comments on Psalms 23:5b that pictures the blessings I sense in spending time alone with God. “In the East the people frequently anoint their visitors with some very fragrant perfume; and give them a cup or glass of some choice wine, which they are careful to fill till it runs over. The first was designed to show their love and respect; the latter to imply that while they remained there, they should have an abundance of everything.” I hope you daily experience such blessings.

This Thursday morning Zoom will bring us together at 9:30 to discuss this short passage of Scripture. I am looking forward to seeing you and encouraging you in staying close to the Lord.

If you would like to be part of this study, go to and click on Ladies Bible Study.

Peace When Surrounded by Enemies

Photo by Vernon Raineil Cenzon

Photo by Vernon Raineil Cenzon

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;…” Psalm 23:5a

Think for a moment about the literal understanding of this wonderful verse from the 23rd Psalm; sitting down to eat with my enemies present. I don’t know about you, but, the last thing I would find desirable when “enemies” are around me would be eating. Any kind of distress immediately shuts down my interest in food—it is like my stomach just cannot handle it. So, let’s imagine the opposite situation where peace, calm, and joy reign within me. Yes, now food sounds wonderful. So how do we merge a difficult situation AND happiness to be eating a wonderful meal? Only one possibility exists for such a combination. There must be someone totally in charge of the “enemies;” so completely in control that I have absolutely no concern about them. Only God meets the qualifications of such a protector. Is He your protector, or are you relying on someone (or something) very inferior to Him?

This Thursday morning at 9:30 join me on Zoom to discuss Psalm 23:5a in great detail and be encouraged in enjoying the blessings of God in the midst of trying people and situations (like maybe the Virus :)).

You can watch the great Jennifer Rothschild video for this lesson by following the instructions below. If you would like to see a recording of last week’s study, please let me know.

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Is Everyone Afraid?

Photo by Kal Visuals

Photo by Kal Visuals

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4

Recently a well known news anchor mournfully added to the Coronavirus report for the day these words. “I’m afraid. Everyone is afraid.” My first reaction jumped to “that isn’t true.” But, as I thought about it a bit, I realized that perhaps she was closer to accurate than I had previously considered. In my little world I was not afraid, however, in our country in general maybe fear actually ruled. What made the difference in my thinking?

For the past couple of months I have spent many hours studying in detail the 23rd Psalm. Although it is so familiar to many people, I’m thinking the reality of it escapes most everyone. When Almighty God takes care of every detail of your life and plans out everything for your benefit and His perfect reputation, then how could it be possible to be afraid of tomorrow? No, this is impossible. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 Those who find this “comfort” experience peace in the storm. I want this for you. “…nothing you fear is more powerful than your God.” Jennifer Rothschild

I welcome you to join us on Thursday morning as we discuss Psalm 23:4 and encourage one another in walking peacefully with God through every dark valley of life. To connect with our class online go to and scroll down to Ladies Bible Study. Once you click, you will soon be connected.