A very happy time occurred this past year when all eight of our children (and their families) came together with us to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary.
“You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings.” Psalm 23:5b
With Mother’s Day coming up this weekend my thoughts concerning blessings go toward our wonderful eight children given to us by God in His great kindness to my husband and me. God led us beautifully through difficult, as well as, joyous events during the forty-one years children were in our home. Now, He blesses us even more with the happiness of wonderful grandchildren and great grandchildren; our “cup overflows with blessings.”
Perhaps the most important thing in my life during all my years of mothering (and even now) came down to spending real connected time with the Lord every day not only attentively reading His Word, but, also pouring my heart out to Him. I came across a beautiful quote from Samuel Burder (1773-1837)in his comments on Psalms 23:5b that pictures the blessings I sense in spending time alone with God. “In the East the people frequently anoint their visitors with some very fragrant perfume; and give them a cup or glass of some choice wine, which they are careful to fill till it runs over. The first was designed to show their love and respect; the latter to imply that while they remained there, they should have an abundance of everything.” I hope you daily experience such blessings.
This Thursday morning Zoom will bring us together at 9:30 to discuss this short passage of Scripture. I am looking forward to seeing you and encouraging you in staying close to the Lord.
If you would like to be part of this study, go to discoverybaptist.org and click on Ladies Bible Study.