Psalm 81



Yesterday we enjoyed seeing the Pacific Ocean from the Chilean vantage point. It was a beautiful warm fall day as Mark, Pippa, Naomi, and Caleb posed for a perfect four generation photo. Tomorrow (Wednesday) we all head for home after a wonderful time of ministry and being with family.

I’ve been looking at Psalm 81 and considering the delight we have enjoyed being with Jorge and Naomi’s church here in Chile. The incredible strong bond that unites all of us is that God has rescued our souls. Can there be anything more amazing than God’s faithful work in our lives? No matter where a Christian goes in the world, an immediate connection happens with others who know the joy of having their sins forgiven. “Sing aloud to God our strength; shout for joy to the God of Jacob!” (Psalms 81:1) Spurgeon expounds on this a bit more. “Now if they, on their solemn feast-days, were thus to call to mind their redemption out of Egypt, much more ought we, on the Christian sabbath, to call to mind a more glorious redemption wrought out for us by Jesus Christ from worse than Egyptian bondage, and the many gracious answers he has given to us, notwithstanding our manifold provocations.” We are a highly blessed people.

This Thursday morning Patricia Hubbard will be leading the Ladies Bible Study in Psalm 81. Plan to study the lesson well and be prepared to participate in the discussion of this beautiful Psalm.

Mark and I will be home later on Thursday and look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday morning. Here is a short video of some of the happy time we spent with Jorge and Naomi’s church.