28 grandkids


The blessedness of having 28 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild all together on the same happy day!!!

The blessedness of having 28 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild all together on the same happy day!!!

August of 2019 absolutely stands out as one of the most amazing months of my life! If you click on the button above (A Happy 50th Anniversary Day) you will be able to view about 2 minutes that made this past August such an overwhelming blessing. Mark and I still get teary every time we muse on the rare occasion of having all of our children and their families together for the celebration of the 50 years of marriage the Lord has given to us.

All of these 50 plus years of the close friendship Mark and I have enjoyed have been deeply intertwined with Christ. He is the One who has given us direction, encouragement, inspiration and stability through times of abounding and seasons of difficulty. As we have faithfully read through the years what He has to say in the Bible, we have learned more and more about the way He has intended for us to think, respond, and live. We are so thankful that He rescued our souls when we were teenagers and He has continually been molding us into His likeness since then. To God be all the glory—great things He has done!!