As we prepared for Christmas I thought of the places our family has lived. That's because this fall Caleb and I visited the possible home of generations of our grandparents in a Ukrainian village.

The once stately old house was of German construction which is our family heritage. We visited with the occupants and marveled as we examined the multi-century-old building. What was life like here? What family members were born or died here? What was Christmas like during those years before it was curtailed by communist rule?

I grew up in the wheat ranch house on a hill that my immigrant grandfather built after coming to America.

Since then Nancy and I have lived in an apartment, a lighthouse station,

WWII government housing, a small house in Salem and now Gig Harbor. 

They are all just houses. But what really makes them home are the people in them and Christ in that family that makes Christmas special.  What a blessing. 

We pray your Christmas, at home or elsewhere, may be filled with the blessing of Christ's presence in your life. Let Him replace commercialism of Christmas today by keeping your focus on Him.

He came as a virgin born child to die a human sacrifice for our sin and to come back and reign as king some day. May you have that hope this Christmas. Read the Christmas story in Matthew & Luke.

Below is a wonderful video song our missionary friends, the Mills, sent to us that was filmed on site near their home in Galilee where some of the events of the Christmas story took place. Enjoy it in a spirit of worship this Christmas.

CHRISTMAS WEEKEND you are invited to our services.

* Christmas Eve 6 PM will be meditative with candles, carols, chalk art and pastor speaking on the Why of Christmas. 

* Christmas Day 10:30 AM we will rejoice with glorious music and pastor Chris speaking. Both services are an one hour. Invitations are available at church.

Pastor Mark

P.S.  Want to read through the Bible with Jerry this New Year? Jerry Cudney will email you daily readings, a song and a devotional thought for the day. Jerry has served as pastor to several churches and now is retiring here at DBC. You'll love his plan. I"ll be doing it too. Just email Jerry at to get started.


One of the things that has gripped me most this Christmas is Revelation 20. I am surprised at the Christmas texts that actually point to the future reign of Christ in the Millennial kingdom mentioned there as well as in Psalms and many of the prophets. There is a lot of hope for us there that we shouldn't dismiss as hard to understand.  

At Christmas it is so easy to get lost in the commercialism, buying the right gifts, big family events, decorations, relative relationships or squabbles and so on as we celebrate. Many of those are actually good things if kept in right proportion. But remember Christ was born in lowly Bethlehem to eventually literally reign over the world from Jerusalem just five miles away.

It is easy even to miss this point when listening to Christmas music that carries good lyrics.  This morning I was listening to a recording of Handle's Messiah performed by Kings College, considered by many the greatest piece of music ever written. A great majority of the lyrics are prophetic passages about Christ's coming reign, for example "He shall reign for ever and ever" or "Every valley shall be exalted." It then capped off with the Hallelujah Chorus taken from Revelation 19 concerning Christ's returning. I was amazed at the truth of those lyrics as I pondered Christ as my King.

I am actually listening to it again as I write. Let me assure you, this was not the kind of music I preferred as a teen when I was rocking it out with my little rock band.  But the Lord changed all that in my 20's after I had started to follow Christ.  He is still working on me. 

Here are a few texts of Scripture about Christmas that point to that future kingdom.  Meditate on them this week and wonder at the glorious kingdom yet to come.

Psalm 2:6ff; Isaiah 9:2-4,6-7; Jeremiah 23:5-6; Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:6; Luke 1:32-33; 2:14,34

Have a blessed Christmas,

Pastor Mark

Don't forget...

  • Men's Discipleship Breakfast Sat. 12/17 8AM   Pastor speaking. Breakfast will be beacon, eggs,  spuds, muffins and maybe fruit. 

  • Final Nativity Cleanup Sat. 12/17 9AMTools for clean up are power screwdriver with star or #2 bits.  Warm cloths and strong backs needed.

  • See a new video of our Nativity here.

  • Christmas Eve at 6 PM will feature candles, carols, chalk art and pastor Mark speaking. 

  • Christmas Day at 10:30 AM will feature glorious music and pastor Chris speaking. Both are about an one hour.  Invitations are available at church.

  • Subscribe to Mark’s or Nancy’s Blog at



We were blessed to have another powerful Nativity weekend. Nearly five-thousand waited in line to come through Bethlehem to see the Christmas story come to life. Nancy and I and the Cudneys had the privilege of thanking them at the end. We asked what was their favorite scene, the majority said, "It was seeing baby Jesus." They crowded around the manger to look at, touch and take pictures of the baby. 

But, there was also a very sobering part of that scene. On the hill beyond the manger was a cross with a crown of thorns. It put an exclamation mark on the message of the manger. Jesus came in hidden humility to be born in a barn and then humbly die openly on a cruel cross. One of our shepherds asked visitors what held him to the cross? The answer was Christ's love kept him there. He died in payment for our wrong as he took our sin upon Himself. All who sincerely " upon the name of the Lord will be saved." from their sins (Rom. 10:13). What an amazing story. Have you called out to Him?

You can see a new 6 minute video of our Nativity here...

The first Christmas was filled with joy as well as sorrow when a jealous Herod killed many babies. This Christmas there is sorrow too in Ukraine because a Christian family of five young children and their mother died in a tragic home fire. It made national news. We knew of the family that was involved in ministry there with our children. The funeral was Monday and outside in 30 degree weather where about a thousand people gathered. The father is in the hospital and has just became conscious and is asking for his wife. They are waiting for him to become stronger

Funeral service in Odessa on Monday for Mrs Chekihovskiy and her five children.

Funeral service in Odessa on Monday for Mrs Chekihovskiy and her five children.

before telling him of the fate of his family. Pray for the Mr. Chekhovskiy and friends that they will find comfort in the second coming of Christ.   

NATIVITY CLEANUP his Saturday 9 to 12. Lucy Scott is in charge inside to clean floors, put away things, get ready for Sunday and the Lord's Table.  Roy Henderson is in charge outside to take down and stow all props and clean up the areas.  Leaf blowers needed if you have them.

CHRISTMAS WEEKEND bring a friend to one of our services. Christmas Eve at 6 PM will feature candles, carols, chalk art and pastor Mark speaking. Christmas Day at 10:30 AM will feature glorious music and pastor Chris speaking. Both are about an one hour.  Invitations are available at church.