As we prepared for Christmas I thought of the places our family has lived. That's because this fall Caleb and I visited the possible home of generations of our grandparents in a Ukrainian village.

The once stately old house was of German construction which is our family heritage. We visited with the occupants and marveled as we examined the multi-century-old building. What was life like here? What family members were born or died here? What was Christmas like during those years before it was curtailed by communist rule?

I grew up in the wheat ranch house on a hill that my immigrant grandfather built after coming to America.

Since then Nancy and I have lived in an apartment, a lighthouse station,

WWII government housing, a small house in Salem and now Gig Harbor. 

They are all just houses. But what really makes them home are the people in them and Christ in that family that makes Christmas special.  What a blessing. 

We pray your Christmas, at home or elsewhere, may be filled with the blessing of Christ's presence in your life. Let Him replace commercialism of Christmas today by keeping your focus on Him.

He came as a virgin born child to die a human sacrifice for our sin and to come back and reign as king some day. May you have that hope this Christmas. Read the Christmas story in Matthew & Luke.

Below is a wonderful video song our missionary friends, the Mills, sent to us that was filmed on site near their home in Galilee where some of the events of the Christmas story took place. Enjoy it in a spirit of worship this Christmas.

CHRISTMAS WEEKEND you are invited to our services.

* Christmas Eve 6 PM will be meditative with candles, carols, chalk art and pastor speaking on the Why of Christmas. 

* Christmas Day 10:30 AM we will rejoice with glorious music and pastor Chris speaking. Both services are an one hour. Invitations are available at church.

Pastor Mark

P.S.  Want to read through the Bible with Jerry this New Year? Jerry Cudney will email you daily readings, a song and a devotional thought for the day. Jerry has served as pastor to several churches and now is retiring here at DBC. You'll love his plan. I"ll be doing it too. Just email Jerry at to get started.