

We were blessed to have another powerful Nativity weekend. Nearly five-thousand waited in line to come through Bethlehem to see the Christmas story come to life. Nancy and I and the Cudneys had the privilege of thanking them at the end. We asked what was their favorite scene, the majority said, "It was seeing baby Jesus." They crowded around the manger to look at, touch and take pictures of the baby. 

But, there was also a very sobering part of that scene. On the hill beyond the manger was a cross with a crown of thorns. It put an exclamation mark on the message of the manger. Jesus came in hidden humility to be born in a barn and then humbly die openly on a cruel cross. One of our shepherds asked visitors what held him to the cross? The answer was Christ's love kept him there. He died in payment for our wrong as he took our sin upon Himself. All who sincerely " upon the name of the Lord will be saved." from their sins (Rom. 10:13). What an amazing story. Have you called out to Him?

You can see a new 6 minute video of our Nativity here...

The first Christmas was filled with joy as well as sorrow when a jealous Herod killed many babies. This Christmas there is sorrow too in Ukraine because a Christian family of five young children and their mother died in a tragic home fire. It made national news. We knew of the family that was involved in ministry there with our children. The funeral was Monday and outside in 30 degree weather where about a thousand people gathered. The father is in the hospital and has just became conscious and is asking for his wife. They are waiting for him to become stronger

Funeral service in Odessa on Monday for Mrs Chekihovskiy and her five children.

Funeral service in Odessa on Monday for Mrs Chekihovskiy and her five children.

before telling him of the fate of his family. Pray for the Mr. Chekhovskiy and friends that they will find comfort in the second coming of Christ.   

NATIVITY CLEANUP his Saturday 9 to 12. Lucy Scott is in charge inside to clean floors, put away things, get ready for Sunday and the Lord's Table.  Roy Henderson is in charge outside to take down and stow all props and clean up the areas.  Leaf blowers needed if you have them.

CHRISTMAS WEEKEND bring a friend to one of our services. Christmas Eve at 6 PM will feature candles, carols, chalk art and pastor Mark speaking. Christmas Day at 10:30 AM will feature glorious music and pastor Chris speaking. Both are about an one hour.  Invitations are available at church.