One of the things that has gripped me most this Christmas is Revelation 20. I am surprised at the Christmas texts that actually point to the future reign of Christ in the Millennial kingdom mentioned there as well as in Psalms and many of the prophets. There is a lot of hope for us there that we shouldn't dismiss as hard to understand.  

At Christmas it is so easy to get lost in the commercialism, buying the right gifts, big family events, decorations, relative relationships or squabbles and so on as we celebrate. Many of those are actually good things if kept in right proportion. But remember Christ was born in lowly Bethlehem to eventually literally reign over the world from Jerusalem just five miles away.

It is easy even to miss this point when listening to Christmas music that carries good lyrics.  This morning I was listening to a recording of Handle's Messiah performed by Kings College, considered by many the greatest piece of music ever written. A great majority of the lyrics are prophetic passages about Christ's coming reign, for example "He shall reign for ever and ever" or "Every valley shall be exalted." It then capped off with the Hallelujah Chorus taken from Revelation 19 concerning Christ's returning. I was amazed at the truth of those lyrics as I pondered Christ as my King.

I am actually listening to it again as I write. Let me assure you, this was not the kind of music I preferred as a teen when I was rocking it out with my little rock band.  But the Lord changed all that in my 20's after I had started to follow Christ.  He is still working on me. 

Here are a few texts of Scripture about Christmas that point to that future kingdom.  Meditate on them this week and wonder at the glorious kingdom yet to come.

Psalm 2:6ff; Isaiah 9:2-4,6-7; Jeremiah 23:5-6; Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:6; Luke 1:32-33; 2:14,34

Have a blessed Christmas,

Pastor Mark

Don't forget...

  • Men's Discipleship Breakfast Sat. 12/17 8AM   Pastor speaking. Breakfast will be beacon, eggs,  spuds, muffins and maybe fruit. 

  • Final Nativity Cleanup Sat. 12/17 9AMTools for clean up are power screwdriver with star or #2 bits.  Warm cloths and strong backs needed.

  • See a new video of our Nativity here.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3i2K_sLRH6Y

  • Christmas Eve at 6 PM will feature candles, carols, chalk art and pastor Mark speaking. 

  • Christmas Day at 10:30 AM will feature glorious music and pastor Chris speaking. Both are about an one hour.  Invitations are available at church.

  • Subscribe to Mark’s or Nancy’s Blog at www.DiscoveryBaptist.org