

This little fern shows a bit of God’s beauty in the world around us.  But, He desires a far greater beauty in our lives.

This little fern shows a bit of God’s beauty in the world around us. But, He desires a far greater beauty in our lives.

“Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.”

(Proverbs 31:30)

We cannot improve upon God’s clear description concerning a mother, or any woman who will be praised; “..a woman who fears the LORD,…” As I have immersed myself in the study of Proverbs, one thing stands out above everything else; fearing God results in wisdom and great glory to our amazing Creator. So appropriate for the week approaching Mother’s Day would be the deepening of our understanding of the need to have reverential awe towards God. To often “charm” and “beauty” catch our attention as desirable. But, God connects them with deceitfulness and vanity; both of which in the short and long term dishonor our amazing pure and holy God. But, humbly following God results in good mothers, happy wives, and peaceful souls. Surely, this is the real source of beauty in life. This brings to my mind these great verses. “Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear—but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.” (1 Peter 3:3-4)

In preparing for Thursday morning’s Bible study consider these thoughts and see how they tie into our lesson “Do You Want Wisdom?” Maybe we actually are not that passionate about fearing God. Let’s discuss that point on Thursday and encourage one another to be in awe of God.

Happy Mother’s Day!!!


During our Good Friday Service Mark talked about the two thieves hanging on either side of Jesus during His crucifixion. I really liked the contrast this picture presented of the condition of everyone in the world; either we humbly bow and asked God’s forgiveness, or we lean towards an arrogant attitude of doubting God and challenging Him to do something for us if He really exists. As be begin our study of Proverbs a similar contrast presents itself; will we be wise and listen to God’s instructions about life, or will we ignore God and live as we please. God’s always gives us His wisdom for our benefit and His glory; to ignore such teaching brings with it an unnecessarily difficult life.

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:7)

Ladies, I’m excited to have you join me as we look in detail at the great and perfect wisdom of God during the next few weeks on Thursday mornings. We cannot ignore the instructions of the Proverbs. Please join us for this very encouraging study.

This coming Thursday morning Patricia will be leading our class while Mark and I are attending our area wide fellowship of churches meetings in Everett. We will return on Saturday.

Our dear babysitters will once again be caring for our little ones.

Please be praying for Bonnie Campbell who lost her dear twin brother this week. Also, pray for Gary and Roberta Cowden as he is in extremely serious health.


"The gates of Knowledge and Wisdom are closed, and they are opened only to the knock of Reverence. Without reverence, it is true, men may gain what is called worldly knowledge and worldly wisdom; but these are far removed from truth, and. experience often shows us how profoundly ignorant and how incurably blind pushing and successful people are, whose knowledge is all turned to delusion, and whose wisdom shifts round into folly, precisely because the great prerequisite is wanting." I came across this great quote recently that struck a point I have been thinking about concerning the foolishness of thinking in our society that is embraced as wisdom.  True wisdom can only be found from the rich source of the Bible by humble people who are willing to set aside their own feelings and ideas.

I'm passionate about understanding God's ways better through studying His Word and then living accordingly. Tomorrow you are invited to come to my house for coffee from 9:30 to 11 so that we can encourage one another in living humbly and wisely.

Proverbs 11:2  "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom."