

In our study this week of 1 John 2:18-27 one particular verse has captured my attention.  1Jn 2:20"But you have been anointed by the Holy One, .."  I found Adam Clarke to have the most well-said commentary on this verse. “As oil was used among the Asiatics for the inauguration of persons in important offices, and this oil was acknowledged to be an emblem of the gifts and graces of the Holy Spirit, without which the duties of those offices could not be discharged; so it is put here for the Spirit himself, who presided in the Church, and from which all gifts and graces flowed.” (Clarke)  David Guzik also had a further comment that should be a good encouragement to all of us to be more sensitive to God's direction in our daily lives.  "Anointing has the idea of being filled with, and blessed by, the Holy Spirit. This is something that is the common property of all Christians, but something we can and should become more submitted and responsive to." Beautiful.

See you Thursday morning for a good time of encouraging one another to live fully for God.

Please note:  HOEGEN'S HEROS needed this SaturdayFeb. 2510-5PM“If there is anyone who would like to help the Hoegen family (Barbara, Ian, Dillan and Harry) finish painting several basement rooms in their new unfinished home this Saturday it would be appreciated.  They would call you “Hoegen’s Heros”. They need to get it finished so the contractor can finish electrical and other building matter in that part of the house. 

TIME:  Saturday Feb. 25   from 10 to 5PM.

 LOCATION: 5517 132nd St. Ct. KpN.   This is out off of Hwy 302.

 WHAT TO BRING:  Paint clothes, brushes and rollers etc. if you have them.

 CONTACT:  Ian Hoegen (425) 749-6634