

Encouraging words for my little Noah.

Encouraging words for my little Noah.

Have you thought much about the effect your words have on those you talk to?  Words can easily cause long lasting pain, as well as, enduring encouragement.  In our self-centered culture there is a strong tendency to say things bluntly without a care as to the damage that might result.  Many relationships have been tragically ruined by such thoughtlessness.  And yet, we also can recall times we have been cheered on in some difficult situation by the words of a loving and caring person.   

As I prepare to teach a workshop this weekend at our annual Women's Retreat on the subject of our words,  I've been convicted and encouraged once again about what God has to say.  Our souls are really the source of what comes out of our mouths.  So, if we have a mess going on inside of us, then we are pretty likely to broadcast that mess with our mouths.  If we have the peace and joy of God in our souls, then we are bound to spread encouragement and happiness with our words.  "There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword, But the tongue of the wise brings healing."  Proverbs 12:18