

How much do we really trust God?  The gravest danger in our lives is being dependent on someone, or something besides God.  Worry, anxiety and stress indicate quite clearly that our trust is not resting on Almighty God, but rather, something very feeble.  As I'm studying Sarah in the Old Testament I see growth from self-reliance to believing and depending on God.  Like all bad news, we tend to most remember her conniving to make things happen.  In reality the most outstanding thing about her is that she grew to trust God even when the outcome looked completely impossible.  Can you imagine having a baby at 90 years of age when you had never had one before?  But, God promised and eventually Sarah believed Him.  Think of the trouble she would have saved herself and the entire world from if she had trusted God from the very beginning.  Think of the peace that could have been.

This painting by Ezra Suko gives a good illustration of peace--made by God.

This painting by Ezra Suko gives a good illustration of peace--made by God.

Oh that we would read God's words and believe what He says.  If we did that consistently, what would our lives look like?  May the Lord be our life.