We have added six more grandchildren since this picture was taken 2 1/2 years ago. Now another sweet baby is on the way.
God has blessed me with eight wonderful children, seven loving son/daughter-in-laws, and twenty-five (soon to be twenty-six) lively grandchildren. Mother’s Day is always a delightful day for me. As thirty-seven of our family and friends gathered at our house this past Sunday, I thought about how very rich I am and how thankful I am to God for His goodness to me.
As I write this blog, Mark and I are halfway to Washington, DC on the first leg of our trip to Wittenberg, Germany to attend a conference celebrating the 500th year since the Reformation began. I’m looking forward to hearing many godly men preach and to glean all I can from them. Surely, no one can come to an end of growing in the understanding and application of the key verse of the Reformation--“The righteous shall live by faith.” Romans 1:17