Christian living

How Should We Then Live?

“Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?” 2 Peter 3:11-12

Birthdays and beginnings of new years have a similar impact on my life—a fresh start. In both cases I look with eagerness towards the year ahead with the thought of walking more closely with the Lord than the previous year. And so now we have stepped into 2022 and we have twelve months of opportunities to choose a flourishing life, or one that drags along with selfish decisions. Peter wrote the words at the top of the page about 2000 years ago with a challenge to all of us to keep in mind that this world is not going to continue on as it is. The thought should motivate all of us toward “holy conduct and godliness.” “The King is on his way, and almost here; you are at his door; he is at yours. What manner of people ought ye to be? How can ye sin against One who is so close at hand?” (Spurgeon)

I cannot think of a better way to start the year well than to be together studying God’s Word. To make this coming Thursday even more full of anticipation we will be particularly focused on end times and “how we should then live.” Plan to join us at 9:30 Thursday morning as we study 2 Peter 3.

If snow becomes a problem, I will make a post to you by 8 am Thursday morning. So, if you have questions, look for my comments on that.