What Are You Afraid Of? Part 1

“We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.”

Hebrews 2:1

How often do we find ourselves casually reading the Bible, not really focused with any intensity on what the almighty God of the Universe has carefully preserved through the centuries to communicate to us. Hebrews chapter 2 begins with such a good exhortation for all of us. “We must pay more careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.” “Tim Keller has said that this instruction to ‘pay more careful attention’ could more accurately be rendered as ‘be furiously obsessed with.’ The writer is saying that unless we remain furiously obsessed with the original messge of the gospel, we are going to drift. We can get sidetracked by the latest fads in religous thinking, the latest best-selling book, the newest ‘it’ teacher. So we have to stay focused on the person and work of Christ, on who Scrpture reveals him to be. We can never exhaust the Word’s meaning or implications in our lives.” Quoted from Hoping for Something Better by Nancy Guthrie. Are we “furiously obsessed” with digging into God’s Word?

This Thursday morning we begin Chapter 2 of our study books which deals with Hebrews 2:5-18. The first half of this study will be our goal. Remember to do the questions in the back of the book before you read the chapter. Discussion in class will focus on pages 21-29 (verse 5-9) in our study guide.

Summer will be helping us out with the little children.