What is God Saying to You? Part 2

“How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation?” Hebrews 2:3

What a serious warning God presents to us in Hebrews 2:3, as well as, amazing hope. Nancy Guthrie comments on this verse. “What he’s really saying is don’t neglect being loved by God. Don’t neglect being forgiven and accepted and protected and strengthened and guided by almighty God. Don’t neglect the sacrifice of Christ’s death on the cross. Don’t neglect seeing the radiance of God’s glory in the face of Jesus. Don’t neglect enjoying the free access to the throne of grace. Don’t neglect the inexhaustible treasure of God’s promises. This is a great salvation. Don’t neglect so great a salvation. It is the something better you’ve been hoping for.” Each one of these aspects of salvation should be cause of reflection, meditation, and awe for all of us who belong to the Lord.

I’m looking forward to seeing you Thursday morning for a great time of discussion on the second half of Lesson 1 in our study guides Hoping for Something Better. If you don’t have a book, I did receive 4 books on Monday and you are welcome to come by my house to pick one up, or I can give it to you on Thursday.

Also, as per our discussion last week I have a few things to share about the Old Testament passage that speaks of the Sons of God marrying the daughters of men. Maybe you researched that a bit too.

Summer will be helping out with the little ones this week; we are so thankful for her.