Standing Strong

A Biblical perspective concerning difficult situations in our lives basically has no comparisons to the natural responses of people, only contrasts. Consider the following two paragraphs by John MacArthur.

God never evaluates a church based on external features.  He is not impressed with innovative, clever repackaging of the gospel to make it more palatable for unbelievers.  Nor are a church’s elaborately staged worship services, political awareness, social prominence, or size reasons to boast before God.  A church to be proud of is a place where the genuinely converted see their faith increase, their love grow, their hope endure despite persecution, and their focus remain fixed singularly on God’s kingdom. 

In contrast to the man-centered view that pervades many churches today, the young church at Thessalonica had only a God-centered outlook.  Instead of being consumed with personal happiness, fulfillment, comfort, success, or prosperity, they were living out Jesus’ command to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness” (Matt. 6:33 NKJV). That perspective enabled them to successfully endure the inevitable persecution that comes to the faithful. (From pages 66,67 in “1 & 2 Thessalonians and Titus”)

Let’s encourage one another in thinking and responding Biblically to trials in our lives as we gather this Thursday morning to study 2 Thessalonians 1–Lesson 7. I have books available. I’m looking forward to seeing you.

Please note that some women have sensitivities to fragrances. So let’s be thoughtful of them and limit perfumes. Thank you.