The Lawless One

Plenty of speculation exists concerning the events of the final years and days of the world. As long as I can remember people have set dates and identified people they believed would be key in the last days of our existence. But, like the creation of the Universe, only one being knows the who and when of the end times and that would be God. Therefore, our most reliable source of information about the future would be found in the Bible. 2 Thessalonians 2 lists many details about the main person on the side of evil during the last days. However, my favorite part of this chapter is the conclusion: “Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, and our God and Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting consolation and good hope by grace, comfort your hearts and establish you in every good word and work.” What encouragement in dark days.

This Thursday morning I’m looking forward to discussing with you some details concerning the Antichrist. We will be doing the first half of Lesson 8 in our study books. Livestream is available during the study, as well as, afterwards.

Our daughter Rachel Gustafson and her family will be returning to Europe on Monday the10th. They are missionaries in Kiev, Ukraine and hope to be able to return there soon after getting to Hungary. She will be coming to share prayer requests with us when our prayer time begins about 10:30.