Living in Light of God and Eternity

This is my kitchen window reminder to stay focused on God.

This is my kitchen window reminder to stay focused on God.

If we were to live as if there were no eternity and no almighty God, how would our lives be different?  This is the perspective of most people. And to a greater or lesser degree even Christians can tend to live this way. However, people who ignore God, to whatever degree, deprive themselves of fully living. The more accurately we understand God and eternity, and embrace these realities, the richer and more vibrant our lives will be.

Consider this quote from John MacArthur’s study guide on 1 and 2 Peter. “Is it possible for a group of Christians who are facing escalating persecution to live victoriously and joyously in the midst of such hostility? The apostle Peter assierts that not only is it possible; it’s necessary! Writing to believers scattered across Asia Minor, Peter urged a lifestyle rooted in hope, void of bitterness, and focused on the second coming of the Lord.”

Continued quote: “It is, in fact, the certainty of our future inheritance that forms the basis for a victorious Christian experience. As believers become more and more convinced of the sure promises of God, they begin to discover in this life (even in the midst of trial) the marvelous consequences of that future inheritance.”

This Thursday morning I want to encourage you in setting your heart and mind on God and His amazing eternal plans for us. Be prepared to discuss Lesson 2 of our books. If you need a book, please let me know.