This morning Nancy and I finished reading through the Old and New Testament simultaneously. The closing words of the Testaments seemed very fitting for today. These are God’s words through His appointed messengers. Read them also and let me know what you think.

Read Malachi chapters 3 & 4. Chapter 3:1 was about more than Elijah the prophet. Half a century later John the Baptist came preparing the way for Christ. Note the warnings that follow and the “Return to Me.” Chapter 4 has an admonition in the last two verses. This all points to Christ’s first coming. Yet He was rejected by many. You know the story. What do you think this all says for today?

The Shepherds (Luke 2) were first to see the new born Christ.. These guys were rejects from society and on the low end of culture but still raised sheep for the sacrifices. But they were chosen by God to see Christ first. That is huge! Meanwhile the Scribes, Pharisees, authorities, the aristocracy, and even King Herod had no clue.

It has been five centuries since any major visitation from heaven. Suddenly God sent an angel to the shepherds to comfort them and tell them of Christ’s birth. Suddenly a vast uncountable army of angelic beings appeared to brighten the Judea night in the dark desert. This was a birth announcement from heaven’s courts. Instantly the heavenly messengers disappeared.

Chalk art Christmas Eve

Then it says the shepherds immediately “go straight to Bethlehem…in a hurry.” They “made known” what the angels said and the people wondered at what was “told them.” Note the angels were the messengers. Then the shepherds were the messengers. Now we are the messengers. That is our mission.

Read Revelation chapter 22. Now we look to the future. See chapters 2-3 for details on seven churches being warned. This apply in the church age. Note how God finishes in Revelation chapters 20-21. These are promises that we all draw hope from. How does this fit with today? How does this apply to your life? Are you His messenger today., Are you ready for His return?

Need help with understanding this or how to be right with God? Contact us.

It is a good time to start reading through the Bible too. We use the Daily Audio Bible online http://dailyaudiobible.com on our cell phones. It is read with some music and a few comments before or after for context. You can follow the text provided on the app. Nancy and I do this over coffee or on a walk together. A set of Air Pods makes it easier to hear. Takes about twenty minutes.

Nancy and I want to wish you a Happy New Year.

Guys, note Men’s Discipleship Breakfast Study was moved from Jan. 1 to Jan. 8th at 8 am due the New Year holiday.


First time events can be memorable and significant in ways that tell us about life at that time. What was it like the first Thanksgiving in 1621 “exactly 400 years ago”? Did they really have turkey, potatoes, corn, gravy, and pumpkin pie? William Bradford was the Governor who recorded the event in his Of Plymouth Plantation; it is fascinating.

“They began now to gather in the small harvest they had, and to fit up their houses and dwellings against winter, being all well recovered in health and strength and had all things in good plenty. For as some were thus employed in affairs abroad, others were exercised in fishing, about cod and bass and other fish, of which they took good store, of which every family had their portion. All summer there was no want; and now began to come in store of fowl, as winter approached of which this place did abound when they came first (but afterward decreased by degrees). And beside waterfowl there was great store of wild turkeys, of which they took many, besides venison, etc. Besides they had about a peck of meal a week to a person, or now since harvest, Indian corn to that portion. Which made many afterwards write so largely of their plenty here to their friends in England, which were not feigned but true reports.”

A pilgrim named Edward Winslow was one wrote a letter back to England after that first “Thanksgiving”. It is found in the record of Mourt’s Relation.

“Our harvest being gotten in, our Governor sent four men on fowling, that so we might after a more special manner rejoice together, after we had gathered the fruit of our labours. They four in one day killed as much fowl as with a little help beside, served the Company almost a week. At which time, amongst other recreations, we exercised our arms, many of the Indians coming amongst us, and amongst the rest their great king, Massasoit with some 90 men, whom for three days we entertained and feasted. And they went out and killed five deer which they brought to the plantation and bestowed on our Governor and upon the Captain and others.”

Keep in mind the winter of 1620 was one of suffering and death due to lack of shelter. Forty-five of the Mayflower’s 102 passengers died. The following year was much better as described above. It was a time to thank God for sure.

Likewise our first Thanksgiving at Discovery was probably after we launched in 1980. If our memory serves us right our small band of “Pilgrims” met in the old two room school house in Arletta. It was rustic and the roof leaked. But we were thankful for an inexpensive place to worship. A potluck was planned after church to celebrate. However a storm came in, the power went off, and we watched in amazement as trees across the street fell one after another. But we were all safe and thankful.

Now forty years later we celebrated our first Thanksgiving in our new building. The Multi Purpose Room (MPR) was packed with people around beautifully decorated tables. We thank God for His grace in bringing us thus far across what seems like an ocean of time. Let us all be thankful this Thanksgiving for what God has done. At our home we will also read from Bradford’s record of that first event. It can also be found online at http://www.histarch.illinois.edu/plymouth/bradford.html .

The holiday is also a good time to think on the “Who” of Thanksgiving. Click here for why? https://albertmohler.com/the-briefing

Our first Thanksgiving in the Multipurpose Room of our new church building.

Have a truly Thankful Thanksgiving

Pastor Mark Redeployed

PS In our Parenting Class Sunday 11/28 (in the MPR room) we will discuss the four videos we’ve seen and do Q & A. See you at 9:50.


Parenting is a divine but daunting task. When Nancy and I looked forward to our first child it was with excitement and anticipation. At the time I was on lighthouse duty for the Coast Guard so we were not near a hospital. We read up on how to prepare for it. In fact I had Nancy daily walking back and forth on the narrow walkway that led from our keepers quarters (house) to the lighthouse (about 200 feet). I wanted her to be in shape. Finally the day came and the water broke just before dinner. Contractions increased so I sped her to the nearest ferry dock to get to the mainland. A friend called the ferry system which ordered the boat to turn around mid-channel and go back to pick us up. Passengers were puzzled. Then they made record time crossing to the mainland.

We made it to the hospital with eight hours to spare. Things were not as desperate as we thought. :-) That’s the way it is when you start a family. You are on a learning curve even if you “think you know it all.” We didn’t :-) After eight children and 32 grandchildren we still don’t know it all. We’re working on it for the next generation.

Since our culture is moving fast to the left that also affects our thinking about parenting in God’s way. We know less and less about what Scripture says on this topic. It can result in problems that can be catastrophic years later. That is why I am excited about a new four session video series by Dr. Paul Tripp entitled IT’S TIME TO RETHINK PARENTING.

We have done a number of Tripp’s series over the years. He is respected for his ministry in helping families. He will help you discover better wayS to raise children as found in Scripture. The sessions are about 40 minutes long and will be shown during Sunday School (9:50 to about 10:35). Nancy and I will be leading the class and short discussion time that follows. The kids Sunday School classes and Nursery are available for little one. Here is the schedule…

  • 1. Give Up Control Oct. 24th The goal of parenting is not to control your child’s life; they will quickly outgrown your authority if you miss the big picture.

  • 2. Shape Their Character Oct. 31 Learn how to lovingly expose sin that is in their hearts and point them to Christ.

  • 3. Thrive In The Teen Years Nov. 7 These years can be chaotic but the Bible helps us successfully transition to adulthood.

  • 4. Rest in God Nov.14 Learning to rest in God as a parent is strengthened when you know God never calls you to raise kids with providing what you need.

  • 5. Follow-up Discussion Nov. 21

Class will meet in the Youth Room or Auditorium depending on class size. We are limited to 25 people so register soon by calling or texting me at 253 549 6349. The video will no be on Livestream due to copyright restrictions.

Pastor Mark

PS Have you seen our building yet? Click here for a short drone view taken by my son Caleb.


Here here also for a short video of where our pastors disappeared to briefly in September. Enjoy.
