One of the biggest earth quakes in North America took place in Alaska in 1964 devastating cities and villages in the state. It was 9.2 on the Richter scale. It resulted in a tsunami that hit Kodiak island where large boats and barges were swept out to sea. Some sank in whirlpools with helpless people on them. Then the tsunami reversed and the tide came in with a vengeance bringing the remaining boats and floating object back in and depositing them on the city streets of Kodiak. Imagine this in Gig Harbor. About 131 died from the tsunami.

I snapped this one of fishing boat beached in Noam a decade after the quake.

I snapped this one of fishing boat beached in Noam a decade after the quake.

Welcome to downtown Kodiak 1964.

Welcome to downtown Kodiak 1964.

We moved to Kodiak about ten years later where I served in the Coast Guard. I heard numerous stories from friends that lived through it. Tsunami warnings and drills were part of life. Even at sea our Coast Guard ship received many earthquake warnings. Every one knew it could happen again.

Today a kind of Covid tsunami has hit our world. It has caused people to flee, fear, or hide. The government does not seem to know how to handle it and there is concern it will hit again. This week I read a verse that really reminded me of this and points to what Christians should do.

You will not be afraid of the terror by night, Or of the arrow that flies by day; Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, Or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.” (Psalm 91:5-6)

Note the word afraid is mentioned first. Believers can be afraid. But we have nothing to fear since He is with us and will not leave us or forsake us. Paul said, “Be anxious for nothing” (Phil. 4:6) and then emphasizes prayer. We find great comfort there.

The word “pestilence” caught my attention. It is most frequently used in the prophetic books but also applies today. Our fears usually hit hardest at night. The virus we face is on our minds often in the night. But God may be using this in our lives but also in the corruptions we see in our world.

Jesus said prophetically “…there will be great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and famines; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.“ (Luke 21:11) There will be a future time far worse than we have today. But our hope is ultimately in the Creator who made us. So must focus on that and share the hope of the Gospel with others. What’s the “gospel”? Go to and scroll down for a 12 min. video of What Is The Gospel?.

Pastor Mark

P.S. Men don’t forget or Men’s & Boys Discipleship will now meet the first Saturday of each month from 8-9:30. Join us for breakfast at 8 and our study in Philippians at about 8:20.

Click below to join us on Livestream at about 8:20 when we go live.

The church Dr. John MacArthur pastors has been attacked much in the past year for leaving their doors open for worship. Click the link below for an excellent summary of how God worked and what the result was.


When Discovery started in 1980 it was with a small band of seminary students and people from Temple Baptist in Tacoma. They were ready to help plant a church in Gig Harbor. One of them, Jon Mitchell, was a classmate of mine at Northwest Baptist Seminary in Tacoma at the time. Jon was an American who was raised in Brazil as a “missionary kid”. Jon and Dee jumped in to help us. It would be practical training for them and a blessing to Nancy and me as we became friends for the “long run” ahead. They set up chairs, taught Sunday School, and many other things.

When Jon graduated from NBS they applied to Baptist Mid-Missions to help them prepare for Brazil. Jon knew the country, culture, and language so it was a natural for him. Then they began the hard work of raising financial support for their life-long ministry.

Finally in 1984 they became the very first missionaries to be sent from our church to a foreign field. That was a milestone for our little church at that time. They were willing to leave the comforts of American, local family, and their church to begin this work reaching a world that was very “religious” but largely ignorant about the simple gospel of Christ.

Brazilians like their flag. This one was made out of the bottoms of plastic drinking bottles, the blue represent the starry sky, and the curved white band is the national motto “Order and progress. See the real thing in our foyer. The Mitchells serve there as well as Jerry & Linda Neuman, and Tim and Martia Franklin and families.

Brazilians like their flag. This one was made out of the bottoms of plastic drinking bottles, the blue represent the starry sky, and the curved white band is the national motto “Order and progress. See the real thing in our foyer. The Mitchells serve there as well as Jerry & Linda Neuman, and Tim and Martia Franklin and families.

Jon, Dee and their ministry associates in Brazil.  Pray for these and other Brazilian ministry families that we were able to meet in 2008.

Jon, Dee and their ministry associates in Brazil. Pray for these and other Brazilian ministry families that we were able to meet in 2008.

Welcome to our church. Churches in Brazil often have bars on their doors to protect the church entrances and windows.  Note the graffiti also next to it.  .

Welcome to our church. Churches in Brazil often have bars on their doors to protect the church entrances and windows. Note the graffiti also next to it. .

The local “Safeway” is a lot different there.

The local “Safeway” is a lot different there.

The “long run” ahead had begun. Children would be born and a small church too near the capital city of Brasilia. Nancy and I visited them in 2008 and were amazed by the mystical nature of the culture. Brazil has a lot of crime so they had bars on the windows of their small house which was connected to the house next door. It was often dangerous to even go out on the sidewalk. We were blessed to meet the people, be involved in their ministry and see some of this unique country. Brazil is the 5th largest country in the world just behind the U.S. It is also the most Catholic country in the world. It has a warm climate and warm and loving people. But it also has mystical cults which have made dramatic inroads to some churches. The simple Gospel of grace was needed.

Missionary families often park their cars in their houses to protect them.  Houses are often stacked together. Local security patrols on small scooters are paid to ride up and down neighborhoods and announce their coming with small horn on the handlebars. This alerts thieves to leave before getting caught.

Missionary families often park their cars in their houses to protect them. Houses are often stacked together. Local security patrols on small scooters are paid to ride up and down neighborhoods and announce their coming with small horn on the handlebars. This alerts thieves to leave before getting caught.

A few years ago Jon’s ministry expanded. He now works with a group of seasoned mission pastors to go to countries where little or no ministry training available. He has been in seven different countries. This is exciting to see the faith passed on this way and multiplied. This Sunday Jon will be reporting on that. Don’t miss it. Why? Because we have an important role in supporting and praying for them as he goes to difficult and sometimes dangerous places.

By the way. When Jon was in college he and a small group of other students ran across America coast to coast one summer to promote Cedarville College. I’m not kidding. He wore out two pair of shoes. That is the kind of perseverance that makes for long term ministry through difficult times. Ask him about it.

Pastor Mark

PS Jon will be reporting and preaching both services Sunday August 28th. Watch him on our Livestream. Bring a bag lunch for you and your family and ice-cream to share at noon. Its going to be beautiful day.

Vacation Bible School is back.


Three years ago was our last Vacation Bible School due to preparing for our building project. But VBS is back in full force this week 9 to 12 daily. The exciting thing is it is being held in our new church church building which is designed specifically for worship and various ministries events like VBS.


Monday kids ages 4-12 streamed in as we launched Wonder World. On the first day one small child arriving said to his mom, “This is the best day of my life!” He was so excited he could hardly stand it. Teachers took kids to activities and classes that all focus on the life changing truth of Scripture. Skits, lessons, and activity sheets focused on the eternal truth of the Gospel of Christ that leads to forgiveness, salvation, and growth. We even had a ventriloquist using her stuffed pig named Hamilton to get the message across. On small child noted that “Hamilton seems to have a lisp.” He sure does.

The Lord gave great weather for the week which really helps with outside activities that kids love. So far over a hundred kids have come and we expect more yet. However, we were covered even if it did rain.


Friday there is a short closing program at 12:00. Families and friends of the children and our church family are encouraged to come. Your presence will encourage the children, bless the teachers and will also be a great way to meet new families.

A free barbeque will Immediately follow the short program at about 12:30 pm. There will be hotdogs, chips, various salads, and of course ice cream. Come enjoy, meet others, and be blessed.

Pastor Mark (Redeployed)

FYI AWANA will start just after Labor Day so watch our website calendar in case of changes.