

Parenting is a divine but daunting task. When Nancy and I looked forward to our first child it was with excitement and anticipation. At the time I was on lighthouse duty for the Coast Guard so we were not near a hospital. We read up on how to prepare for it. In fact I had Nancy daily walking back and forth on the narrow walkway that led from our keepers quarters (house) to the lighthouse (about 200 feet). I wanted her to be in shape. Finally the day came and the water broke just before dinner. Contractions increased so I sped her to the nearest ferry dock to get to the mainland. A friend called the ferry system which ordered the boat to turn around mid-channel and go back to pick us up. Passengers were puzzled. Then they made record time crossing to the mainland.

We made it to the hospital with eight hours to spare. Things were not as desperate as we thought. :-) That’s the way it is when you start a family. You are on a learning curve even if you “think you know it all.” We didn’t :-) After eight children and 32 grandchildren we still don’t know it all. We’re working on it for the next generation.

Since our culture is moving fast to the left that also affects our thinking about parenting in God’s way. We know less and less about what Scripture says on this topic. It can result in problems that can be catastrophic years later. That is why I am excited about a new four session video series by Dr. Paul Tripp entitled IT’S TIME TO RETHINK PARENTING.

We have done a number of Tripp’s series over the years. He is respected for his ministry in helping families. He will help you discover better wayS to raise children as found in Scripture. The sessions are about 40 minutes long and will be shown during Sunday School (9:50 to about 10:35). Nancy and I will be leading the class and short discussion time that follows. The kids Sunday School classes and Nursery are available for little one. Here is the schedule…

  • 1. Give Up Control Oct. 24th The goal of parenting is not to control your child’s life; they will quickly outgrown your authority if you miss the big picture.

  • 2. Shape Their Character Oct. 31 Learn how to lovingly expose sin that is in their hearts and point them to Christ.

  • 3. Thrive In The Teen Years Nov. 7 These years can be chaotic but the Bible helps us successfully transition to adulthood.

  • 4. Rest in God Nov.14 Learning to rest in God as a parent is strengthened when you know God never calls you to raise kids with providing what you need.

  • 5. Follow-up Discussion Nov. 21

Class will meet in the Youth Room or Auditorium depending on class size. We are limited to 25 people so register soon by calling or texting me at 253 549 6349. The video will no be on Livestream due to copyright restrictions.

Pastor Mark

PS Have you seen our building yet? Click here for a short drone view taken by my son Caleb.

Here here also for a short video of where our pastors disappeared to briefly in September. Enjoy.


This year 9/11 happens to fall on National Grandparents Sunday. For Nancy and I it is also the first Sunday after the birth of our latest grandchild (#24), Titus James Gustafson, born 9/6 to Mike and Rachel (Suko) Gustafson. All are well and we are thanking God for him since children are the heritage of the Lord (Psa. 127:3). 

Little Titus James meets his brothers & sisters and grandpa for the first time.

Little Titus James meets his brothers & sisters and grandpa for the first time.

What is so great about Grandparents Day and 9/11? Deuteronomy 4:9 says it well. "Only give heed to yourself and keep your soul diligently, so that you do not forget the things which your eyes have seen and they do not depart from your heart all the days of your life; but make them known to your sons and your grandsons.” Moses was speaking to Israel and reminding them to tell of God’s greatness in bringing them out of Egypt. Israel needed to remember that for generations to come.

Today grandparents have seen, done and learned things they need to pass along. We are responsible to the Lord for that. Grandparents have perspective that younger folks do not have. They have been through things and learned things later generations need to know. I witnessed 9/11 as it happened, the panic of Americans, some who came to Christ, the war that followed, lost a family member and saw our world change. That is worth telling my grandkids about; particularly how God saw us through. 

I also plan to tell our little Titus about his great grandparents who came from Ukraine to escape war. Grandpa Ferdinand and my grandmother Maria immigrated to America in 1902.  Ferdinand died before I was born but I

My Grandparents Ferdinand & Maria Suko on the ranch in America.

My Grandparents Ferdinand & Maria Suko on the ranch in America.

remember “Grossmama” as we called her, a German word for grandmother, telling me her new home was America. They never went back. They homesteaded a ranch near Warden, WA. It was tough hot work with horses and no electricity at first … and they had 11 kids. I remember her going to church and reading her German Bible; she taught me to pray.  

May we be diligent to pass on what we have learned to the next generation even if we don’t have kids.   

Let me know what you think on a Care Card. You can subscribe to this or Nancy’s regular blogs at our website  

 - Pastor Mark

Awana Starts Tue. Sept. 20 at 6:30

TUESDAY nights, 6:30-8:00pm (6:15pm registration for new clubbers)

We can’t wait to kick off our Awana year on TUESDAY nights! For age 3 through 6th grade, the primary focus of this ministry is to plant the seeds of God’s Word in the hearts of kids. See our church website for complete details and registration information.

We’re currently waiting for our construction permit from Pierce County. If we build before the school year ends, we will recommend other local Awanas so clubbers can finish off their year/books. DBC kids will be able topass sections with leaders at our Sunday services and SALT groups! If you have questions ask Commander Willie Clark.