trusting God in covid


One of the biggest earth quakes in North America took place in Alaska in 1964 devastating cities and villages in the state. It was 9.2 on the Richter scale. It resulted in a tsunami that hit Kodiak island where large boats and barges were swept out to sea. Some sank in whirlpools with helpless people on them. Then the tsunami reversed and the tide came in with a vengeance bringing the remaining boats and floating object back in and depositing them on the city streets of Kodiak. Imagine this in Gig Harbor. About 131 died from the tsunami.

I snapped this one of fishing boat beached in Noam a decade after the quake.

I snapped this one of fishing boat beached in Noam a decade after the quake.

Welcome to downtown Kodiak 1964.

Welcome to downtown Kodiak 1964.

We moved to Kodiak about ten years later where I served in the Coast Guard. I heard numerous stories from friends that lived through it. Tsunami warnings and drills were part of life. Even at sea our Coast Guard ship received many earthquake warnings. Every one knew it could happen again.

Today a kind of Covid tsunami has hit our world. It has caused people to flee, fear, or hide. The government does not seem to know how to handle it and there is concern it will hit again. This week I read a verse that really reminded me of this and points to what Christians should do.

You will not be afraid of the terror by night, Or of the arrow that flies by day; Of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, Or of the destruction that lays waste at noon.” (Psalm 91:5-6)

Note the word afraid is mentioned first. Believers can be afraid. But we have nothing to fear since He is with us and will not leave us or forsake us. Paul said, “Be anxious for nothing” (Phil. 4:6) and then emphasizes prayer. We find great comfort there.

The word “pestilence” caught my attention. It is most frequently used in the prophetic books but also applies today. Our fears usually hit hardest at night. The virus we face is on our minds often in the night. But God may be using this in our lives but also in the corruptions we see in our world.

Jesus said prophetically “…there will be great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and famines; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.“ (Luke 21:11) There will be a future time far worse than we have today. But our hope is ultimately in the Creator who made us. So must focus on that and share the hope of the Gospel with others. What’s the “gospel”? Go to and scroll down for a 12 min. video of What Is The Gospel?.

Pastor Mark

P.S. Men don’t forget or Men’s & Boys Discipleship will now meet the first Saturday of each month from 8-9:30. Join us for breakfast at 8 and our study in Philippians at about 8:20.

Click below to join us on Livestream at about 8:20 when we go live.

The church Dr. John MacArthur pastors has been attacked much in the past year for leaving their doors open for worship. Click the link below for an excellent summary of how God worked and what the result was.