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Is something big going to happen! Every time there is a crisis in our lives, our country, the world, or even in the universe people get nervous. What is going on??? The Bible lists many predictions about the last days of human history, Christ’s second coming, an eternal kingdom and much more.

Scholars tell us that by far most Bible prophecies have already been fulfilled. But those that remain picture our world and universe in massive upheaval. Central in this are many prophecies about Christ’s return when He will bring judgement on all corruption but also peace to those who turn to Him.

With what is happening with the CV19 pandemic, our presidential election, the transgender revolution, the disrespect for our flag and founders, and international tensions with Russia, China, and Iran we know there is adequate reason for concern. What does God say?

Note the words of Daniel 2:44 written over five centuries before Christ. "In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever.”

What does Daniel mean? Find out at a special Bible Prophecy Conference at Discovery July 8-11 (4902 Gustafson Dr. NW, Gig Harbor, WA). Start times are 6:30pm Thursday and Friday; 9am Sat.; and 10:30am Sunday. It features four speakers from outside of our church. Click the link below to see the schedule and bio of the speakers. There is no charge. Join us for some solid answers from God’s Word.

Bring a Bible and something to take notes with. Can’t make it? You can also watch online by going to www.discoverybaptist.org and click on the LIVESTREAM button there and select the event.

-Pastor Mark Suko


This is Memorial Day weekend. It is a time to reflect on those who died for our freedom. It would be disrespectful if we didn’t reflect on that. Jesus said, "Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15:13). Christians are called to exhibit this same kind of love for others. Since 1776 it is estimated 1.1 million Americans have died in all U.S. wars. The Civil War still ranks most with 498,332. At Discovery we have lost our own son-in-law, Sgt. Gabriel De Roo who was killed in action in Iraq in 2006. We will soon be hoisting our flag pole again with his memorial plaque on it. It will be located in the mound that the barn used to be on across from the main entrance. For more about Gabriel’s life and sacrifice click the link below. He is buried in Tahoma National Cemetery near Covington. There is also one Civil War soldier buried there.


Now that our new building is finished and in full use again we can all enjoy it. What a blessing yesterday was as we remembered Karman Storset. Being a builder himself he was fully behind our project. Karman is now in the presence of his Savior and enjoying his new home in heaven which will be far superior. If you missed the service you can watch it here.

On Sundays, at 9:30 am during Sunday school, we'll begin a new series on how God works during dark times by looking at the life of Gideon. He was one of Israel’s greatest military leaders. In preparation read the full account of Gideon's life - you'll find it starting in Judges chapter 6. Our worship service now is back to 10:30.

Happy Memorial Day weekend.

Pastor Mark



Dear friends of Discovery,

 Discovery Baptist invites you to join us for a wonderful afternoon of thanking the Lord for the completion of our new worship facility. This will be the first service in our newly constructed and expanded building. The construction started in the summer of 2020 during the time of the pandemic…not a good time to start a major building project. But God’s timing is always perfect and we are now going to have our first service. You are invited.  We trust you can come and join us. 

  • When? Sunday May 16, 2021

  • Where? 4902 Gustafson Dr. NW, Gig Harbor, WA

  • What time? Starting at 1:30pm join us for a cup of coffee and to walk through the new facility. Church leaders will be on hand to answer questions. Then at 2:30pm the Dedication Service begins in the newly enlarged auditorium to give praise to God for what He has done. Then at at about 3:30 pm we’ll have a time of fellowship and refreshments in our new Multi Purpose Room.

Putting the final finishing touches on the new main entrance to the building.

Putting the final finishing touches on the new main entrance to the building.

Can’t make it?  You can watch on Livestream then or any time afterwards.  Go to www.discoverybaptist.org and click on the Livestream button and select the service to watch. 

Got questions? Just give me a call at 253 549 6349.

Mark Suko

Pastor Redeployed