This week I heard of a catchy sign in a public restroom that said, “Keep calm and wash your hands.” I laughed since there was obvious humor in our current situation with the corona virus. But I also noted, this is the best the world has to offer. It is not bad advice. We have all heard the refrain of being “calm” and “washing your hands.” We do it and should continue to. But there is something missing here that only the Christian has…it is real faith in God while in crisis.

The greatest comfort lies in not just being calm, cool, collected, and washing your hands. These are essential. But the greatest consolation is in simply trusting God amid trouble. Be calm, wash up but go to the higher step of trusting in God alone who can bring deep comfort to the soul.

The virus situation we are in is minor compared to things many believers went through in history. The great cholera epidemic was pandemic from 1846 to 1860. It hit London, England in 1854. It was caused by sewage pollution of drinking water, although not yet known. In just one year in London it killed 10,000 people out of population of about 2.7 million (roughly the greater Seattle area).

Pastor Charles Spurgeon found himself in the middle of this crisis in the early years of ministry. Note his words. “If there ever be a time when the mind is sensitive, it is when death is abroad. I recollect, when first I came to London, how anxiously people listened to the gospel, for the cholera was raging terribly. There was little scoffing then.”

Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834-1892 London, England baptist pastor.

Charles Haddon Spurgeon 1834-1892 London, England baptist pastor.

He goes on, “In the year 1854, when I had scarcely been in London twelve months, the neighborhood in which I labored was visited by Asiatic cholera, and my congregation suffered from its inroads. Family after family summoned me to the bedside of the smitten, and almost every day I was called to visit the grave.”

“All day, and sometimes all night long, I went about from house to house, and saw men and women dying, and, oh, how glad they were to see my face! When many were afraid to enter their houses lest they should catch the deadly disease, we who had no fear about such things found ourselves most gladly listened to when we spoke of Christ and of things Divine.”

Not always, but often hearts are softened to the hand of God in such situations. We should be sensitive to the soul of those we talk to and seek to give them the “balm of Gilead;” three times in the Old Testament something like this is mentioned. Today we use the phrase to refer to the Gospel. Yes, “Jesus” is the balm of Gilead that people ultimately need regardless of the outcome. Note what Spurgeon says here.

“I went home, and was soon called away again; that time, to see a young woman. She also was in the last extremity, but it was a fair, fair sight. She was singing, — though she knew she was dying, — and talking to those round about her, telling her brothers and sisters to follow her to Heaven, bidding goodbye to her father, and all the while smiling as if it had been her marriage day. She was happy and blessed.” Now imagine your death being like a wedding day. I love it.

Spurgeon didn’t have antibiotics or other remedies to give comfort,…only the balm of simple trust in Christ. He did well in turning many souls to realize their greatest need was for salvation from their sin. Passages such as Romans 3:23 and 6:23 make it clear every one is guilty of sin, great or small and on our way to eternal hell. We are unfit for heaven. It is not by human merit or doing good works that we may be forgiven (Eph. 2:8-9), but only through faith alone in Christ.

In a way sickness can be a blessing if it causes us to come to grips with our mortality. When we do, we often see how desperate we are spiritually and physically. The Lord can use that to call us unto Himself. How about you? Panicked by the virus? Trust Christ for your forgiveness (salvation) first and trust Him in your healing if He should so desire. Live or die, the believer is safe in Christ’s arms who died for our wrongs and offers us His forgiveness and perfect righteousness in Christ.

Whatever you do, “Keep calm, wash your hands, and trust in Christ through it all.”

P.S. Who was Spurgeon? He was the most popular preacher of the time and is still know as the “Prince of Preachers.” He is probably the most quoted preach of the period and today also. He was a Baptist and often preached to over 10,000 (without any modern sound system) and impacted millions for Christ around the world. Today he is still claimed and quoted by many far beyond his baptist roots.

spurgeon pulpit.jpg

See you next Sunday,

Pastor Mark

  • Last Sunday we had tech issues affecting Livestream. They are resolved so now you can watch my message on the Feeding of the 4,000 any time you like. I’ll continue the Mark series next month.

  • If you are staying home for health reasons know that the Livestream is a safe way to worship with us at the time of the event or later after it is posted on the website. Just go to and scroll down to the Livestream button at the bottom of the list on the right. Click and select the service you want to watch. We have years worth.

  • Next Sunday 3/15 Enriko Stigter will be speaking. Starting 3/22 Chris Rogers will be starting a short series on evangelism.

  • Pastor Chris Rogers will be starting a new series on 3/22.

  • Join us for an all-church prayer meeting this Sun, 6pm. Special focus on outreach at this time as we prepare for Easter. Sunday’s SALT groups cancelled. I, Pastor Mark, will be speaking on Palm Sunday and Easter.


Everyone is concerned with the spread of the coronavirus 19. Am I? Yes! As Christians we should have a reasonable level of concern, but not be afraid. Medical crisis such as this have happened before many times in history and will again. Cholera, bubonic plague, smallpox, and influenza are examples. The Scripture gives examples from the past and some yet future.

Last Sunday we learned in Mark 7 that a Gentile woman came and fell at Jesus feet when she heard he was in town. She was seeking help from Jesus because she had a child possessed by a demon. Jesus recognized her faith and healed her child remotely. This was a lesson to Christ’s disciples that Jesus was more than they realized. Even though they had been with Jesus several years they were still struggling and would be until the resurrection. Then they fully knew he was Lord.

This Gentile woman had probably exhausted other means of help for her daughter. But her simple faith in Christ was what was important. I am not suggesting that Jesus heals everyone. He can if he desires to, but it is also true, “It is appointed for man once to die…” There is a 100% chance you will die.

Nicky Gumbel wrote a devotional on Mark 6 and says, “there are times when I feel ‘agitated (troubled and filled with fear and dread)’ (v.50, AMP). The disciples were ‘straining at the oars, because the wind was against them’ (v.48). When Jesus joined them, he said, ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid’ (v.50).” Jesus was in the boat. Is he in yours? Place your faith in him alone to forgive you and save you from the wrath to come.


But also, He wants us to be dependent on Him as Christians facing this virus attack.

Don’t panic. The chances you will be infected is low and even if you are, it is likely you will survive. Check with your doctor, wash your hands, stay home if you are sick and know the symptoms. You know the routine. Our church will continue to have services unless it becomes more serious. We’ll pray for you for sure.

Trust your doctor, but ultimately trust God in the midst of the trouble. In other words, just fall at the feet of Jesus. “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” Psa. 111:10 This is the number one concern…your relationship to God through Christ who is the only way to God through His forgiveness (Jn. 14:6).

Finally, know this is a wonderful opportunity to spread the good news about Christ the great physician and healer of the soul. Comfort those who fear; we all can use a little of that. Explain the gospel clearly to those who are lost without Christ. See my Sept. 20 blog on How to Share the Gospel Simply or the video What Is the Gospel on the home page of

Pastor Mark Suko

  • Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead an hour Saturday night as we go to DST this Sunday. This Sunday I’ll be speaking on Mark 8:1-21 and Christ dealing with his confused disciples.

  • Seniors don’t forget our Legacy “Brown Bag Lunch” this Sunday following the Worship Service.  Bring your own Lunch, Beverages & Cookies will be provided…and don’t forget to wash your hands. :-)



The picture above was taken a number of years ago when we were in Ukraine visiting kids and churches. Nancy and I took a walk one cold afternoon and found this artistic metal work in a park. The creation was made for picture taking so we took one, even though it was not Valentines Day or our anniversary.

I believe the golden rings pictured a husband’s and wife’s wedding rings linked with some decorative metal flowers at the bottom. Between the intertwined rings was a small heart. You get the idea? Love is a commitment of two people “committed” to each who become like one. That is a universal principle that comes from Scripture. Marriage was God’s idea from the beginning.

The Bible refers to this concept in Genesis 2:25 where God creates man and woman and performs the first wedding ceremony were Adam married Eve in a perfect garden wedding. Note how many times that same idea is repeated in Scripture.

Gen_2:24 For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.


Mat_19:6 "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate."

Mar_10:8 AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh.

1Co_6:16 Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her? For He says, "THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH."


Amazing isn’t it? That verse is the foundation of what all weddings essentially should be since Creation (thousands of year ago). The three basics are leave, cleave or be joined together with commitment, and become one flesh. Note the order also. If you get them mixed up, you will have problems; then you need to humble yourself and seek God’s forgiveness in Christ and refocus. Only He can forgive our sin.

This is what constitutes God’s plan for marriage even if culture reverses things, or goes off track. Sincere, unselfish and committed love is what holds it together. We can say that from experience having been married over 50 years now; happy to tell you about it, too. Neither of us is perfect but, thanks to the Lord, we are forgiven and still “crazy about each other.”

Happy Valentines Day

Pastor Mark

Our engagement picture in 1968.

Our engagement picture in 1968.