This morning I watched the National Prayer Breakfast where President Donald Trump spoke. It was unique in light of his acquittal 24 hours before on impeachment charges. Today’s speech was one of the most encouraging speeches I have heard since Buzz Aldrin read the Bible on the Moon. Here is why.

The National Prayer Breakfast (NPB) was established during the presidency of Dwight Eisenhower who started attending a small prayer group at the Capitol because he was lonely in the White House. That resulted in the NPB. It should remind us to pray for our President and leaders who do have a lonely jobs in many ways. 1 Timothy 2 clearly exhorts us to pray in this way. Two years ago I was humbled to be asked to open the House of Representatives in prayer at our State Capitol in Olympia. It was a blessing to see the representatives stand with hats off for my prayer. It was clear they genuinely did want pray. They do need it.

I am reminded that our country had a significant Christian beginning in spite of what some say. Hear proof of this in Dr. Al Mohler’s interview with author Mark David Hall about his new book entitled Did America Have A Christian Founding? You will be encouraged.

Trump’s 28 minute speech was full of bold statements of change we have not heard from a president for awhile. The primary ones were his statements on God being the author of life and that babies in the womb are made in God’s image. He also spoke of his attempts to turn back the tide on the abortion issue which is indeed a watershed issue in America today.

Recently I mentioned that the number of babies murdered in the womb yearly in the U.S. would be equivalent to about 1,243 Boeing 747 Jumbo Jets crashing every year with no survivors. Each carries about 500 people. The recent crash of the smaller Ukrainian Air flight in Iran with 176 killed or the 9 who died in Kobe Bryant’s helicopter crash in California all cause us to cringe. But we should consider the greater loss through abortions.

My brother, a senior pilot at 85, recently sent me a picture similar to this one of grounded 737 MAX planes on the runway in Moses Lake awaiting repairs and approval to fly safe. Imagine over 1,200 of them going down. That is a year of abortion in t…

My brother, a senior pilot at 85, recently sent me a picture similar to this one of grounded 737 MAX planes on the runway in Moses Lake awaiting repairs and approval to fly safe. Imagine over 1,200 of them going down. That is a year of abortion in the U.S.

747 plane crash.jpg

Imagine over 600,000+ babies murdered yearly in the U.S.. God has been gracious in withholding judgement on us in this matter. It has been said that if God does not bring judgement for this in America then He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18-19; Matthew 10:15). Pray for our leaders who are working to turn back the tide of abortion. They are making progress but it is not an easy job.

Note what 1 Timothy 2:1-6 says. “First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, the testimony given at the proper time.”

Pastor Mark


Christ’s last words included his marching orders for all Christians until he returns. These are called The Great Commission. Unfortunately, many who claim Christ don’t know what it is, where to find it, or how it applies personally or corporately. In that sense it is a Great Omission. Therefore, let us look at these orders.


Each of the four gospels and Acts have a record of what Jesus said during the five different times he gave his orders. Each has a slightly different emphasis. Let us look chronologically at how Jesus gave these during the 40 days after the Resurrection and before his Ascension.

The first gives a focus on “peace” in John 20:21. Jesus appeared after the Resurrection first to some disciples who had locked themselves in a room in Jerusalem. They feared the Jews might kill them like they did Jesus. Suddenly Christ appears and says, “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” Jesus encourages them with words of “peace” since they are being sent by Him personally just as He was by the Father. There is no need to fear since God is 100% with us. Fear of witnessing can best be overcome by trusting God and prayer.

The second Jesus issues the commission in Galilee to a large crowd of disciples. Matthew 28:18-20 says, … "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

He emphasizes his divine authority to command them to make disciples of all nations. This is not just for pastors or evangelists; it was, and is, for all true believers. Today Christ is the most known person on earth and Christianity is the largest religion in the world and is still growing after 2,000 years. Are you attempting to making disciples?

It is said that the presence of Julius Caesar transformed every soldier into a hero. In a greater way the authority of Christ should propel us to carry out His plan. 

The third presentation of the commission is in Mark 16:15-16. "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned.” This quote is questioned since the oldest manuscripts do not contain verses 9-20. However, it is in line with the New Testament. 

"Preach" is the primary verb in verse 15 and means to proclaim. That can be done from a pulpit but also from coffee tables, computers, toolboxes, or places of work. Note the serious warning of condemnation to those who reject this gospel. Lives depend upon it.

The fourth record of the commission was given to James and the apostles in Jerusalem shortly before Jesus ascension. In Luke 24:47 he says, “and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem.”

Jesus emphasizes repentance which is a sincere change of mind about God. Our thinking changes from going one direction to the right direction. Preaching forgiveness goes along with this since it is a result of that repentance and faith. Are you forgiven! If so then proclaim this good news.

The fifth and final time Jesus gave his commission is in Acts 1:8 stressing the power we have.  “but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth." Jesus then went to the Mt. of Olives and ascended to heaven. His follower’s mission was now clear. They started in Jerusalem where the giving of the Holy Spirit took place on Pentecost (Acts 2). Many powerful miracles followed during that time as the Gospel went out.

Note three important points here.

1.      They did have power and so do we since the Holy Spirit is in all true believers to guide us (I Cor. 12:13). We he goes ahead and paves the way. Adrian Rogers tells of a man who bragged he had cut off the tail of a man-eating lion with his pocket knife. Asked why he hadn’t cut off the lion’s head, the man replied: “Someone had already done that.”

2.      Their witnessing started where they were in Jerusalem. Our witnessing starts where we are too. We don’t always have to go to foreign lands. England once sent missionaries all over the world but neglected home base. As a result, many of the national churches there have closed and the country is now a mission field itself. Don’t neglect home base.

3.      Later their witness spread to neighboring Samaria, then to Judea, the larger area around them, and finally to all the world. As the Lord leads our witness will go far beyond where we are. Pray for our missionaries who are an extension of us.

At our Annual Ministry Meeting (1/26/2020) we voted on members coming and going, approved our 2020 budget, voted to establish a Pulpit Committee to recommend a replacement when I retire in September. We also accepted Dave & Elice Cooper as new missionaries. All motions were amazingly 100% unanimous. Paul Hayes was voted to serve another term as Elder and both Daniel Hunt and Zachary Travis were voted as new Deacons. We now have a total of five Elders and seven Deacons. I am thankful for the harmony we’ve had at DBC these past forty years and to have been your pastor. Full details and reports are in our 2020 Annual Report available at church. May God continue to bless as we move into 2020 with a mind to build.

Missionaries Tim and Martia Franklin and girls Rebecca and Hannah are with us and will be updating us on their ministry and speaking this Sunday Feb. 2nd as we resend them to Brazil.

Missionary Jon Mitchell will be with us May 3 to report at our church. If you have a loaner vehicle, he could use May 1-18 please let me know.

Pastor Mark


Last night I went to sleep with loud explosions near our house that shook the windows and lit up the trees. It was neighbors celebrating 2020 a few hours early. The grand-kids loved it for the few minutes it was happening. Then we all said goodnight to 2019 and settled in for a long winter’s nap.


Today we woke up to a new day, a new month, a new year, a new decade, and a new century. It was even sunny here. What will 2020 hold? There is no question that things have changed. There are fears of climate change, health issues, cultural revolution, sexual confusion, personal safety, nuclear war, and government collapse.

A prime example of this is the recent church shooting in the area of Fort Worth, Texas. It caught our attention since my son Ezra lives ten minutes from the church where a gunman walked in a killed two men. Ezra is an artist by profession but is now also training to be an armed guard. Our world is changing!

But, for the Christian there is a brighter side. The gunman in Texas was spotted and being watched by church security people the instant he walked in the door. His long coat, unusual manor and fake beard were clues. Then during the communion service he rose and killed two men of the church. He himself was killed within 6 seconds when the chief of their security fired one round to the head. The chief takes no praise in it but describes it as “killing evil.” It is a miracle that more were not killed. The lesson is we all have to be more vigilant…even during communion.

The world is changing. We will face new challenges and dangers so make sure you have 2020 vision. Remember what Christ said in Matthew 10:28. "Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”

There are some dangers around us. Don’t fear them. There are over 100 verses in Scripture that tell us directly not to fear these dangers. But have a healthy fear of the Lord instead. Proverbs 1:7 states, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

Then apply it to what we should be doing. We should be carrying out the great commission (cf. Matthew 28:19-20). Even Simon the fisherman had to learn that. Luke 5:10b says, “And Jesus said to Simon, "Do not fear, from now on you will be catching men."

Maybe it is time for an eye exam. I need one. Get your vision corrected to 2020 and get busy. It’s even still sunny out. And…Happy New Year.

Pastor Mark