

Everyone is concerned with the spread of the coronavirus 19. Am I? Yes! As Christians we should have a reasonable level of concern, but not be afraid. Medical crisis such as this have happened before many times in history and will again. Cholera, bubonic plague, smallpox, and influenza are examples. The Scripture gives examples from the past and some yet future.

Last Sunday we learned in Mark 7 that a Gentile woman came and fell at Jesus feet when she heard he was in town. She was seeking help from Jesus because she had a child possessed by a demon. Jesus recognized her faith and healed her child remotely. This was a lesson to Christ’s disciples that Jesus was more than they realized. Even though they had been with Jesus several years they were still struggling and would be until the resurrection. Then they fully knew he was Lord.

This Gentile woman had probably exhausted other means of help for her daughter. But her simple faith in Christ was what was important. I am not suggesting that Jesus heals everyone. He can if he desires to, but it is also true, “It is appointed for man once to die…” There is a 100% chance you will die.

Nicky Gumbel wrote a devotional on Mark 6 and says, “there are times when I feel ‘agitated (troubled and filled with fear and dread)’ (v.50, AMP). The disciples were ‘straining at the oars, because the wind was against them’ (v.48). When Jesus joined them, he said, ‘Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid’ (v.50).” Jesus was in the boat. Is he in yours? Place your faith in him alone to forgive you and save you from the wrath to come.


But also, He wants us to be dependent on Him as Christians facing this virus attack.

Don’t panic. The chances you will be infected is low and even if you are, it is likely you will survive. Check with your doctor, wash your hands, stay home if you are sick and know the symptoms. You know the routine. Our church will continue to have services unless it becomes more serious. We’ll pray for you for sure.

Trust your doctor, but ultimately trust God in the midst of the trouble. In other words, just fall at the feet of Jesus. “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.” Psa. 111:10 This is the number one concern…your relationship to God through Christ who is the only way to God through His forgiveness (Jn. 14:6).

Finally, know this is a wonderful opportunity to spread the good news about Christ the great physician and healer of the soul. Comfort those who fear; we all can use a little of that. Explain the gospel clearly to those who are lost without Christ. See my Sept. 20 blog on How to Share the Gospel Simply or the video What Is the Gospel on the home page of www.discoverybaptist.org.

Pastor Mark Suko

  • Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead an hour Saturday night as we go to DST this Sunday. This Sunday I’ll be speaking on Mark 8:1-21 and Christ dealing with his confused disciples.

  • Seniors don’t forget our Legacy “Brown Bag Lunch” this Sunday following the Worship Service.  Bring your own Lunch, Beverages & Cookies will be provided…and don’t forget to wash your hands. :-)