We think of Christmas and the resurrection of Christ as being great events. So we celebrate these with lots of emphasis. But it seems strange we don't think much of Christ's ascension into the clouds and heaven. I became aware of this after one of our early trips to Ukraine where it is commonly celebrated. 

While believers celebrated it there, what happened to the Ascension in America? Did we miss the meaning of it or cease to believe it even happened? Here are a couple of reasons scholar Peter Toon suggested as to why we neglect it.  

·        There has been a revolution in cosmology and scientific teaching in schools causing doubt about even the existence of heaven.

·        There have been skeptical forms of Biblical criticism that dampen the idea.

·        The secularization of western culture from “in God we trust” to “in self we trust” is making us more “this-worldly.” 

I would add that the new Atheism has violently attacked Christianity and especially the miraculous aspects.  All these may have diverted our attention away from it's importance.

But, the ascension is the consummation of Christ's earthly work. It is the catalyst that makes the earlier parts of His ministry have renewed meaning. It also had a huge impact on Apostles and the early church. What is so important about the ascension and how are we to understand it? What on earth is Christ doing up there and what difference does it make to me down here? I'm convinced that if we understand it rightly it will give us a much different outlook on our problems, the direction the world is going and how we can face the future.

This Sunday I will give a message on this that I have been cooking on all year. If you can't make it to church then check it out on our Livestream.  It could change your perspective. Then in the weeks following I'll be doing a series on the book of Galatians to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation that started on Oct. 31, 1517. More on that later.

-Pastor Mark




This is a ground breaking summer.    

This week equipment was brought by the Hinson brothers to clear brush, level and limb up the trees to park out the front entrance. This will make the church more visible and the area usable for summer events needing shade.

While this was not the "ground breaking" for our new building project extension, yet it prepares the way for the ground work to be done when we extend the auditorium this fall. Currently the permit application has been accepted and we are now awaiting an approval by the county. Then we will have a ground breaking service. Thanks for praying and giving. 

The Gig Harbor SALT Group met last week also for a Summer SALTLUCK.  It was a great time for fellowship, getting to know others, prayer and food. SALT Groups meet again weekly after school starts. 

This Sunday at 9:15 Caleb Suko will be giving his formal mission report for the past three years in Ukraine.  He will also speak at the 10:30 service.



Summer is a moving experience at Discovery. Our Over the Moat Vacation Bible School on 6/26-30 had close to 90 daily and over 96 registered (about 12% growth over last year) as we packed rooms and kids heard about Christ through the stories of David, Goliath and others focusing on Christ as our King. The center letter in VBS is "B" for BIBLE. Our goal is to plant the Word of God that changes lives from the inside out (cf. Hebrews 4:12).  Up to fifteen churches were represented and about 15% of the kids had no church. 


Our closing program and free BBQ was attended by about 200.  $700 was given to send Ukrainian orphans to VBS in Ukraine. Decorations and props reused by several other churches following.  Thanks to our nearly 60 volunteers for one of our best VBS outreaches yet. 

Summer was a moving experience for Barry and Lisa Wils moving to Wisconsin. We thank them for their leadership in AWANA. Their SALT group on the Key Peninsula hosted a farewell BBQ for them. Pray for them as they move into a new chapter in their lives.  

This month our application for a building permit was accepted and put in process at the county.  Pray that the permit will be granted soon and we can begin construction of our auditorium extension and extensive dirt work for phase #1.  See website for details.

Director of GARBC chaplaincy ministry, Manning Brown (Lt Col. USAF Ret.) will be with us Sunday 7/23 to explain the work of the many military chaplains he oversees in our forces across the world.  He will give a full presentation at the 9:15 Adult Sunday School hour.