small groups


“I don’t have any friends.” some have said. We live in a sea of people but can feel adrift without a friend in the world. Yet we are a more connected culture than ever before with cell phones, social media, and TV; but it still happens. We may feel like no one loves us even though there are those who do.

The problem is not so much external but internal. One of my early mentors used to say, “To have a friend be a friend.” Jesus was a friend of tax collectors and sinners. It is up to us to take the first step in being a friend.

The early church was structured in a way to help build lasting friendships. Acts 2 says Peter preached, thousands got saved and the church was born. At first they met in the place of worship, the Temple where larger groups could meet and the apostles preached. Later in the day they also met in homes or small groups for fellowship and food. Act 2:46 describes this exciting time. “Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart,”

S.A.L.T. Group Meeting

S.A.L.T. Group Meeting

This is why we have S.A.L.T. groups. We meet in the larger church building on the Lord’s Day for public teaching and worship like the Temple was used for. Then our small groups (S.A.L.T. Groups) meet in various homes in the evenings through the week for fellowship, discussion of the message of the day and a little food too. It is the New Testament model. SALT stand for Saints Applying Living Truth.

An important aspect of these small groups is that we get to know other believers and strengthen relationships. Last week we had nineteen folks gathered in our home for a group. Some of us had met for the first time. It was a friendly environment as we joyfully focused on heaven and on not the tent here but the building of God there as in 2 Cor. 5:1. Our relationships all suddenly became closer as “friends” as we were more aware of this eternal truth. It made us better able to encourage other in word and prayer.

Why not become part of a small group this week? Don’t miss out on fellowship and “friendship” that is eternal. These groups are places to build relationships with others. You may not like them but if you love them as Christ did sinners that can change. Groups are also a place to bring those who are struggling, confused about “religion” but are searching. It can help them understand what it means to be born again. Fall is a good time to join a group. If you avoid it you will be missing out.

Heb 10:24-25 “and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.” Note that true fellowship is others oriented.

Group meetings, days, times and locations are always listed on the front of the bulletin or on the home page of our Community. Three groups meet in the Gig Harbor area plus a group each on Peacock Hill, in Olalla and Key Peninsula. Come with a desire to bless others.

-Pastor Mark


Last Sunday Nancy and I rushed to Salem, OR to say “so long” to a former pastor, mentor and BNN director, Carl Hill. He died recently at 97. We arrived after the service started, got a chance to meet many old friends and greet his wife. He was our pastor while we were at Corban and later was an encouragement when our church started. We thank the Lord for allowing us to know him.

Then we headed to the “sea” at Cannon Beach. Paul Hayes, Chris Rogers, Enriko Stigter, myself and our wives were there. Our team led music for the pastors and wives Refresh retreat. I met with our regional BNN council as we planned for future multi-church events as well as discuss our new building project. Our team also had strategic discussions with other leaders about how to help reach others for Christ in our region etc.. We also heard a series of messages by Pastor Bryan Hughes on Romans 8:28 that took us deeper into this amazing verse by looking at five important words in the verse. The fellowship time with many other folks in ministry was very encouraging as we visited, walked the beach, rode bikes or just rested.

Meeting of our DBC team outside the chapel of Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center.

Meeting of our DBC team outside the chapel of Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center.

This weekend our weekly “SALT” groups are multiplying to six groups. It is a good time to join one. S.A.L.T. stands for Saints Applying Living Truth. Here are five reasons you should consider attending a SALT group.   

    1. Because it will assist you in applying the truth of the morning message in a deeper way through a give and take discussion format where you can ask question or contribute application. 

    2. Because you will meet other believers and grow in the Lord together as you get to know each other better.

    3. Because in the Bible the church met corporately in large groups as well as small. Act 2:46  Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart…

    4. Because it is a place for families because young and old can mix and share in fellowship and prayer. Acts 2:42   

    5. Because it is a good place to bring guests who may be seeking but fear going to church.    

Groups start the week of September 16 as listed below. Note that some have new name designations based on location changes. For the complete address and leader phone numbers check the bulletin front each week or look them up on the online Community directory. If you have not joined the community then this is a great time to do that by going to

•Gig Harbor South (Mark Suko Home, Sunday, 6:15pm)

•Gig Harbor Central (Campbell or Porter Home, Sunday, 6:15pm)

•Peacock Hill (John Kerr Home, Monday, 6pm)

•Gig Harbor North (Willie Clark Home, Sunday, 6:15pm)

•Key Peninsula (Karman Storset Home, Sunday, 6:45pm)

•Burnham (Dann Ledwick Home, Thursday, 6:30pm)

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S.A.L.T. refers to Saints Applying Living Truth as they become the salt of the earth.


This is a ground breaking summer.    

This week equipment was brought by the Hinson brothers to clear brush, level and limb up the trees to park out the front entrance. This will make the church more visible and the area usable for summer events needing shade.

While this was not the "ground breaking" for our new building project extension, yet it prepares the way for the ground work to be done when we extend the auditorium this fall. Currently the permit application has been accepted and we are now awaiting an approval by the county. Then we will have a ground breaking service. Thanks for praying and giving. 

The Gig Harbor SALT Group met last week also for a Summer SALTLUCK.  It was a great time for fellowship, getting to know others, prayer and food. SALT Groups meet again weekly after school starts. 

This Sunday at 9:15 Caleb Suko will be giving his formal mission report for the past three years in Ukraine.  He will also speak at the 10:30 service.