Summer is a moving experience at Discovery. Our Over the Moat Vacation Bible School on 6/26-30 had close to 90 daily and over 96 registered (about 12% growth over last year) as we packed rooms and kids heard about Christ through the stories of David, Goliath and others focusing on Christ as our King. The center letter in VBS is "B" for BIBLE. Our goal is to plant the Word of God that changes lives from the inside out (cf. Hebrews 4:12).  Up to fifteen churches were represented and about 15% of the kids had no church. 


Our closing program and free BBQ was attended by about 200.  $700 was given to send Ukrainian orphans to VBS in Ukraine. Decorations and props reused by several other churches following.  Thanks to our nearly 60 volunteers for one of our best VBS outreaches yet. 

Summer was a moving experience for Barry and Lisa Wils moving to Wisconsin. We thank them for their leadership in AWANA. Their SALT group on the Key Peninsula hosted a farewell BBQ for them. Pray for them as they move into a new chapter in their lives.  

This month our application for a building permit was accepted and put in process at the county.  Pray that the permit will be granted soon and we can begin construction of our auditorium extension and extensive dirt work for phase #1.  See website for details.

Director of GARBC chaplaincy ministry, Manning Brown (Lt Col. USAF Ret.) will be with us Sunday 7/23 to explain the work of the many military chaplains he oversees in our forces across the world.  He will give a full presentation at the 9:15 Adult Sunday School hour.