I have a shiny golden city the size of a tennis ball on my desk that the Cudney's gave me recently. It is unique because it is a replica of a sculpture done by Israeli-born artist, Sam Philipe, who does Biblical sculptures in Israel. His work brings the Bible to life. This one was done for city's 3,000th anniversary since King David set up his kingdom. The original is pure silver with 24k gold roofs. It is in the shape of globe to emphasize Jerusalem as the center of the world. Truly no other city has had the importance Jerusalem has had. It is a kind of symbol of heaven.

Replica of a sculpture of ancient Jerusalem.

Replica of a sculpture of ancient Jerusalem.

In Scripture Jerusalem is God's city where the Temple was and considered a most holy place where millions still make pilgrimages to. It is also a place of much strife, sin and confusion. But, it is still the city that stands for good and God while Babylon stands for evil and that which opposes God.

Jerusalem today has been embattled, divided and is imperfect. But God does promise a New Jerusalem that will be perfect in every respect both physically and spiritually. All who are genuine followers of Christ will one day go there. Revelation 21 describes it as beautiful and massive, being about the size of our moon. It is the place where both Jew, Gentile and the church, the bride of Christ, all come together around Christ our Savior. Here true fellowship will be enjoyed. It marks the beginning of the eternal kingdom of Christ. It is heaven. Want to go there?  This Lord's Day we will visit it briefly.   

Want to see more of Sam's sculptures? They are on display in Jerusalem or just go to       

Here is a song about the New Jerusalem that Nancy and I like. It is called The Golden City. Take a listen.

Anyone still wanting to “Read the Bible through in 2017” with Jerry Cudney and others should Register by Friday by email (, so they will not get too far behind. 

-Pastor Mark


About a week ago I hit the speed limit of 70. Scary! Old age creeps up fast. I feel good so maybe 70 is the new 40??? Not so in many cultures. But in America we do have good medical so we live longer. Those born here today have an expectancy of 79.8 years.  Nice!

However, we live a relatively short time compared to the early generations mentioned in Genesis 5. Adam and Eve didn't even start a family until they were 130 and Noah began his when he was 500. Some in that time lived to their 900's.

But sin changed that and after the flood we see life spans shortened to close to what we have today. "As for the days of our life, they contain seventy years, Or if due to strength, eighty years," (Psa 90:10a). Some of us don't make it to 70 and some go a good ways past it. "Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." (Jas 4:14).

Christians are commanded to care for their bodies that they may be used wisely for the Kingdom. "Do you not know that you are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in you? If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him. For God's temple is holy, and you are that temple." (I Cor 3:16-17). So in the new year let's take care of ourselves and recognize we are not your own. Our bodies were given to us by God's grace and we should treat them that way. I am working on staying fit, but it is not easy. Thanks to Nancy's healthy cooking I've made it to 70. But we all know our time is limited. 

However, after Christ returns to reign on earth a long life span will reappear for those born then (Isa 65:20). It will be like it was before the flood. However, for the resurrected believers we will have a new body that will never die and not affected by sin. That is something to look forward to. But for now let us use our bodies and the time we have for the kingdom.

Let's start the new year by reading through the Bible with together. Email Jerry at and he will put you on the daily email list.  For more details see the flyer at church.  Also, we are planning a baptism on January 29th. If you are interested please let me know.  

-Pastor Mark


It is time to reboot when the computer gets bogged down.  At the New Year it is also a good thing to reboot spiritually too. You can do that by reading through your printed bible or online too.

Let us reboot in our Bible reading this year. Why? Because the Bible is the most amazing book of history. It was written over a period of 1,500 years by 40 different authors who were from different walks of life, eras, cultures, occupations, educations and families. It was written in three languages on three continents and yet is about one story from start to finish. It is consistently a best seller in spite of being banned, banished and burned. It claims to be divine truth inspired by God and has changed literally millions of lives in cultures around the world. 

So, let us read through the Bible together this year.  Reading together is great because we can encourage one another along the way. 

My friend, retired pastor Jerry Cudney, new to our flock, has put together an amazing reading plan. Jerry sends a daily email with readings from the Old and New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs plus a quick summary of each. Use your own Bible, an audio one or one with the arranged references. Jerry also includes a hymn of the day and devotional thought. The whole thing takes about 20 minutes. To join us email Jerry at  Be on board as we reboot 1/1/17.  For more details see the flyer at church.

If you had planned giving during 2016 for tax purposes then there is still time. Just go to and click on the GIVE button for online giving. Our Thanksgiving Offering for the Galbreath family will also be closed after Dec. 31. 

As we begin the new year be aware that we are planning a baptism on January 29th. If you are interested please let Chris or myself know and read our What About Baptism? brochure in the foyer. Nancy and I are heading to California to see family for a few days so we will see you all next year. 

-Pastor Mark