bible reading


It is time to reboot when the computer gets bogged down.  At the New Year it is also a good thing to reboot spiritually too. You can do that by reading through your printed bible or online too.

Let us reboot in our Bible reading this year. Why? Because the Bible is the most amazing book of history. It was written over a period of 1,500 years by 40 different authors who were from different walks of life, eras, cultures, occupations, educations and families. It was written in three languages on three continents and yet is about one story from start to finish. It is consistently a best seller in spite of being banned, banished and burned. It claims to be divine truth inspired by God and has changed literally millions of lives in cultures around the world. 

So, let us read through the Bible together this year.  Reading together is great because we can encourage one another along the way. 

My friend, retired pastor Jerry Cudney, new to our flock, has put together an amazing reading plan. Jerry sends a daily email with readings from the Old and New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs plus a quick summary of each. Use your own Bible, an audio one or one with the arranged references. Jerry also includes a hymn of the day and devotional thought. The whole thing takes about 20 minutes. To join us email Jerry at  Be on board as we reboot 1/1/17.  For more details see the flyer at church.

If you had planned giving during 2016 for tax purposes then there is still time. Just go to and click on the GIVE button for online giving. Our Thanksgiving Offering for the Galbreath family will also be closed after Dec. 31. 

As we begin the new year be aware that we are planning a baptism on January 29th. If you are interested please let Chris or myself know and read our What About Baptism? brochure in the foyer. Nancy and I are heading to California to see family for a few days so we will see you all next year. 

-Pastor Mark




This week I was reminded that how we live leaves clear clues of what we really believed. There are few accurate earthly indications of a believer’s walk with Christ than their Bible. This week I was given Marie Dougil's NIV Study Bible as I was preparing to speak using it at her memoria servicel. I was astounded to see the cover tattered and torn and the spine almost completely gone. When I held it up at the service, people as far away as 50 feet gasped.

Bible similar looking to Marie's.

Bible similar looking to Marie's.

The pages were also ragged and there were numerous quotes and notes pasted in it.  She had underlined or taken notes in all 66 books of the Bible. Some had more of her notes than God's words. You could almost compile a commentary on the Scripture just of her words.

Her notes and the tattered Bible made it clear she not only knew God's Word but believed it. The old book looked like it belonged to an aged saint but Marie was only 48 years old.

Modern computer Bibles are helpful, I have my share, but there are times when the book form is better. I have a paper one that has many of my notes from my early years of study. It has been rebound and sits on my desk where I refer to it. There were no computers when I made those notes. 

What does your Bible look like? Do you bring it to church?  Do you know where the books are in it? Don't go tearing it up to look spiritual but use it up instead.  It disturbs me when I don't see Christians carrying a Bible of some kind to church. How can they search the Scripture like the Bereans or take home what the Holy Spirit has impressed on them?  Let's be people of the Book to know and live what it says.

The second clue that we leave behind about what we believe is the people we have influenced. Last weekend was also the tenth anniversary of our son-in-law's death in Iraq (KIA 8/20/2006). Gabe knew Christ and lived it on the battlefield as well. The impact of his life on others brought together some of his former soldiers and family to meet. His battle buddy, Eric Sakuma, was at his side when he fell. Since then Eric has given his life to Christ also and is a living reminder of Gabe's influence. Now, as a sergeant also, he came in dress uniform at

Sgt Eric Sakuma salutes his battle buddy again.

Sgt Eric Sakuma salutes his battle buddy again.

high noon to honor his brother in arms at Tahoma National Cemetery. Then he met with former soldier friends and family to visit for a picnic

Young Gabriel and his mother Hannah meet his dad Gabe's battle buddies after ten years.  L to R:  Hannah (De Roo) Clark, Eric Sakuma, Jon Stuart, Gabriel De Roo II, Greg Savage, Steven Montanio.

Young Gabriel and his mother Hannah meet his dad Gabe's battle buddies after ten years.  L to R:  Hannah (De Roo) Clark, Eric Sakuma, Jon Stuart, Gabriel De Roo II, Greg Savage, Steven Montanio.

that afternoon. You can hear Eric's testimony on our Livestream that he gave Sunday Aug. 21.

What people will you have influenced for the Lord? What example are you to others of courage, faith, giving, commitment, fortitude, godliness and humility? Who will be changed because of how you lived?

Important things coming up.  See more also on our website calendar. 

  • Sun. Aug. 28 9:15 & 10:30 Juan Carlos Magallanes, will report on his ministry to Hispanics in the Quincy, WA area. He will have parts in both services. Don't miss it.
  • Building Update: We have three contractors we intend to meet with soon.