Someone said, "I don't understand Revelation so I avoid it. It scares me." Yet Revelation is the only book that promises a blessing to the reader;  "Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy,..." (Rev 1:3).  It is easy see it is about Christ's second coming or "revelation" in glory.

Amazingly in the Old Testament for every prophecy of Christ's first coming there are eight for the second coming. In the New Testament Christ's second coming is mentioned in about every fifth verse (about 20% of the NT). Yet we put a lot of emphasis on the first coming to the exclusion of the second of which there are about 1500 prophecies in Scripture. Perhaps our Living Nativity should also have a Living Second Coming.

It is good to be aware of prophecy so we are not deceived.  Here is why.  Revelation 13:1ff is a preview of the Beast or Antichrist who wins people over, promises peace, has a statue made of himself. Later this autocratic ruler opposes Christ and Christians in a violent way. Even intelligent people will be easily deceived in mass. 

In a similar way today the dictator Vladimir Putin is perhaps the most powerful strongman we know of.  People who oppose him disappear or are found dead.  What democratic American would favor him?

Yet an article in the Financial Times last weekend was entitled Putin Finds Fan Base in Republican Country. The writer said a number of Republican leaders have found Putin to be an attractive figure.  An August poll of registered Republicans found that only 27% of them found Putin objectionable compared to 66% two years ago.  Al Mohler asks how could so many Republicans change their view of Putin becoming so acceptable so quickly. Yet during that same period Putin has become even more evil. Some people so desperately want change that they are willing to overlook an evil and corrupt dictator whom they think might bring change even if it is contrary to what is morally right.  This signifies that Americans can be easily deceived like the people the Antichrist deceives in the future. Are we drawing near to that time today?  Only the Lord knows. 

That is why it is good for us to have a grounded Christian ethic. With that in mind this Sunday

Chris Rogers is leading a new series for both adult Sunday School classes at 9:15 entitled Doing the Right Thing. The discussion is not an easy one, and we see that many Christians are losing that discussion in America. These 30-minute video sessions will challenge us to do something about it. Come prepared to be challenged, and your faith motivated.

Bring the kids to their respective classes too.  If you miss out then some aspect not copyrighted may be available in Livestream.  This past week we also had a great start for Awana on Tuesday nights at 6:30.  Bring kids for next Tuesday and a great time.

Sunday our fall SALT groups start in four convenient locations and times near you. Get connected in a SALT group where you can grow deeper with the Lord and others. See bulletin cover for locations and times.  A special thanks to the Gig Harbor SALT group for providing meals for our family this past week with all that has been going on.  Thank you.

Pastor Mark







This year 9/11 happens to fall on National Grandparents Sunday. For Nancy and I it is also the first Sunday after the birth of our latest grandchild (#24), Titus James Gustafson, born 9/6 to Mike and Rachel (Suko) Gustafson. All are well and we are thanking God for him since children are the heritage of the Lord (Psa. 127:3). 

Little Titus James meets his brothers & sisters and grandpa for the first time.

Little Titus James meets his brothers & sisters and grandpa for the first time.

What is so great about Grandparents Day and 9/11? Deuteronomy 4:9 says it well. "Only give heed to yourself and keep your soul diligently, so that you do not forget the things which your eyes have seen and they do not depart from your heart all the days of your life; but make them known to your sons and your grandsons.” Moses was speaking to Israel and reminding them to tell of God’s greatness in bringing them out of Egypt. Israel needed to remember that for generations to come.

Today grandparents have seen, done and learned things they need to pass along. We are responsible to the Lord for that. Grandparents have perspective that younger folks do not have. They have been through things and learned things later generations need to know. I witnessed 9/11 as it happened, the panic of Americans, some who came to Christ, the war that followed, lost a family member and saw our world change. That is worth telling my grandkids about; particularly how God saw us through. 

I also plan to tell our little Titus about his great grandparents who came from Ukraine to escape war. Grandpa Ferdinand and my grandmother Maria immigrated to America in 1902.  Ferdinand died before I was born but I

My Grandparents Ferdinand & Maria Suko on the ranch in America.

My Grandparents Ferdinand & Maria Suko on the ranch in America.

remember “Grossmama” as we called her, a German word for grandmother, telling me her new home was America. They never went back. They homesteaded a ranch near Warden, WA. It was tough hot work with horses and no electricity at first … and they had 11 kids. I remember her going to church and reading her German Bible; she taught me to pray.  

May we be diligent to pass on what we have learned to the next generation even if we don’t have kids.   

Let me know what you think on a Care Card. You can subscribe to this or Nancy’s regular blogs at our website  

 - Pastor Mark

Awana Starts Tue. Sept. 20 at 6:30

TUESDAY nights, 6:30-8:00pm (6:15pm registration for new clubbers)

We can’t wait to kick off our Awana year on TUESDAY nights! For age 3 through 6th grade, the primary focus of this ministry is to plant the seeds of God’s Word in the hearts of kids. See our church website for complete details and registration information.

We’re currently waiting for our construction permit from Pierce County. If we build before the school year ends, we will recommend other local Awanas so clubbers can finish off their year/books. DBC kids will be able topass sections with leaders at our Sunday services and SALT groups! If you have questions ask Commander Willie Clark.


What do these new houses have to do with the 144,000 mentioned in Revelation 7 and 14 and you?  

The new Bellesara housing development on Hunt being built by Rush Residential. This used to have just one home.

The new Bellesara housing development on Hunt being built by Rush Residential. This used to have just one home.

In Rev. 7 the 144,000 are Jewish believers chosen from the twelve tribes during the future great tribulation. They have God's seal on them so they are protected from His wrath. But this does not prevent them from being martyred. 

Revelation 14 describes them as sexually pure, honest and following Christ. This helps them focus on telling the truth about God during the terrible persecution that comes before Christ returns. They remain committed and true to death as a kind of first fruits to God as Israel comes to repentance. In chapter 14 those martyred appear with Christ along with the survivors of the tribulation. It is a victorious picture which encourages future believers.   

They encourage us by their godly and willing example of service to Christ in the face of the most terrible times of all history. They are committed even to death. That convicts me when I think of it. How often in discouragement it is easy to just give up.

This week I was taking a bike ride to refresh my mind. I rode into a new housing development nearby. There used to be one home on the land that now will have 30. I hear almost a thousand new residences will be added to the Harbor area in the next five years. Look at Hwy 16 at rush hour, count the new stop lights, listen to the many fire

Gig Harbor Maritime Days

Gig Harbor Maritime Days

sirens, number the new Starbucks and see the crowds coming. God has placed Discovery in the center.  "You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem..." (Acts 1:8a).  Gig Harbor is our Jerusalem.  Will you have been faithful like the 144,000 when all believers stand with them at Christ's return? 

With each week that passes a fall ground breaking for our new building project gets slimmer as we await word from the county. We are trusting God for His direction. With that in mind, our church leadership believes it's time for Awana to move forward -- full steam ahead! If we can start building this fall, we'll simply put Awana on hold for this year. Meanwhile, we're moving forward to start.

Awana plants the Word of God in the hearts of children in our church family and community. It is the truth of the Word that changes lives. With that in mind, we're rallying the troops. The Wils are passing the baton to Willie and Chris for this year. We thank God for the Wils and their loving, sacrificial service these past years! Same for each of you!We'll start Awana as soon as we can be ready, but not sooner than September 20. We’re moving it to Tuesday nights to take advantage of the school district’s “late-start Wednesdays!"

Is God leading you to join the team? Please let Willie or Chris know right away. Awana needs approximately 2o volunteers by a deadline of September 7. At this point, we already have 9 on board! PTL!

Pastor Mark