

This year 9/11 happens to fall on National Grandparents Sunday. For Nancy and I it is also the first Sunday after the birth of our latest grandchild (#24), Titus James Gustafson, born 9/6 to Mike and Rachel (Suko) Gustafson. All are well and we are thanking God for him since children are the heritage of the Lord (Psa. 127:3). 

Little Titus James meets his brothers & sisters and grandpa for the first time.

Little Titus James meets his brothers & sisters and grandpa for the first time.

What is so great about Grandparents Day and 9/11? Deuteronomy 4:9 says it well. "Only give heed to yourself and keep your soul diligently, so that you do not forget the things which your eyes have seen and they do not depart from your heart all the days of your life; but make them known to your sons and your grandsons.” Moses was speaking to Israel and reminding them to tell of God’s greatness in bringing them out of Egypt. Israel needed to remember that for generations to come.

Today grandparents have seen, done and learned things they need to pass along. We are responsible to the Lord for that. Grandparents have perspective that younger folks do not have. They have been through things and learned things later generations need to know. I witnessed 9/11 as it happened, the panic of Americans, some who came to Christ, the war that followed, lost a family member and saw our world change. That is worth telling my grandkids about; particularly how God saw us through. 

I also plan to tell our little Titus about his great grandparents who came from Ukraine to escape war. Grandpa Ferdinand and my grandmother Maria immigrated to America in 1902.  Ferdinand died before I was born but I

My Grandparents Ferdinand & Maria Suko on the ranch in America.

My Grandparents Ferdinand & Maria Suko on the ranch in America.

remember “Grossmama” as we called her, a German word for grandmother, telling me her new home was America. They never went back. They homesteaded a ranch near Warden, WA. It was tough hot work with horses and no electricity at first … and they had 11 kids. I remember her going to church and reading her German Bible; she taught me to pray.  

May we be diligent to pass on what we have learned to the next generation even if we don’t have kids.   

Let me know what you think on a Care Card. You can subscribe to this or Nancy’s regular blogs at our website  

 - Pastor Mark

Awana Starts Tue. Sept. 20 at 6:30

TUESDAY nights, 6:30-8:00pm (6:15pm registration for new clubbers)

We can’t wait to kick off our Awana year on TUESDAY nights! For age 3 through 6th grade, the primary focus of this ministry is to plant the seeds of God’s Word in the hearts of kids. See our church website for complete details and registration information.

We’re currently waiting for our construction permit from Pierce County. If we build before the school year ends, we will recommend other local Awanas so clubbers can finish off their year/books. DBC kids will be able topass sections with leaders at our Sunday services and SALT groups! If you have questions ask Commander Willie Clark.