Update on Ukraine #10 Borderland Bible Belt

It’s been difficult watching this war unfold. In recent days Russia started backing off and focusing more to the East. If that continues it is good news. Why? A quick look at history may help.

Ukrainian’s desire to rule itself came out strongly during WWI when the Ukrainian People’s Republic was formed. It later became part of the Soviet Union which existed starting in 1922. It was made up of 15 republics of which Ukraine was the largest (about like Texas). Russian was the stated language vs. Ukrainian.

“The Breadbasket of the USSR” was what Russia called her since she raised so much grain. In the 1930’s Stalin sent government agents to cruelly steal the grain crops and take them to Russia. This caused a manufactured famine as four million Ukrainians starved to death. The hunger we are seeing today is a result of Russia’s attacks again that bring back bad memories, So far 3,455 civilians have died there since February. About 15,000 Russian soldiers and 1,300 Ukrainian soldiers have also been killed. That is the negative side of things as we reflect.

Believers in Makarovo, Ukraine welcoming Norm and our team with traditional bread and salt gift which symbolizes the good and bitter of life.. .

Believers in Ukrainian village having outdoor service by their new building.

Suddenly on December 26th 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed and Ukraine became a free country again. What happened spiritually in Ukraine next was incredible. Pastors who had been imprisoned under atheistic communism now were released. They soon asked for assistance from the West to help their churches.

Believers at new Makarovo church.

That call was heard by my son Caleb and I via our mission agency (ABWE). We went in 1994 to help build a place for pastors to be better trained in the Scriptures. Previously they were self-trained. We made multiple trips with groups from our church as did others across the US. Soon a Training Institute was established in Odessa. This was one of many theological institutes that were started in the country. Even Pastor John MacArthur established a seminary in the Irpin area near Kiev. Two of my children became full time missionaries there at the turn of the century. They still minister there today helping evangelize, train and start churches for the generations to come.

Ukraine became the “Bible Belt” of what was the old Soviet Union. As you may know DBC helped establish or support various churches in Ukraine as well as Moldova. Baptists was one of the largest groups. Some Ukrainians went to Russia to preach Christ and establish churches.  One young Ukrainian friend went to Siberia to serve.

New church being built in Moldova several years ago Pastor Vasiliy Kaletnik.

Many of these churches in country are helping with Ukrainians caught in the current war. They are praying and helping in many ways. Christ is building His church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.

Click below for an update on the Gospel in Ukraine & Russia and the impact it makes today. My friend Duane Early paint a great picture about what is going on in the midst of war. God is at work. Continue to pray for our and other missionaries over there.


Pastor Mark

Palm Sunday is Apr. 10th. Join us for a pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 8:00am. Early service starts at 8:30.