Update on Ukraine #11 Easter in War

As we approach Resurrection Day, consider what is happening in Ukraine. During the war I noticed video footage of people mentioning God, thanking God, or calling out to Him. War often does that. This reminds us that Ukraine has become a kind of Bible Belt of that part of the world.

Before the collapse of the USSR the primary church there was the Orthodox. It started in Kiev about 1000 years ago after Ukrainians saw a huge Catholic Church in Constantinople. They brought ideas back to Kiev and made their own Orthodox Church. There were Catholic aspects to it but it is very different from what us Evangelicals in the West might imagine.

Lavra the birth place of the Orthodox church in Ukraine.

The buildings are extremely ornate with gold covered onion domes. Inside icons are everywhere. Icons may be pictures painted on wood, holy figures, images, and sometimes even small body parts under glass. People come up to kiss the icons. A small box by it is for offering. There may be dozens of them out all day as people come and go.

During special holidays people come to get a blessing. During Easter this may be done outside as families bring a basket with butter, bread, cheese, sausage, salt, and cake in it. The priest blesses it as he sprinkles water on it. Then the families go home and eat.

Church buildings rarely have chairs, pews, or things to sit on. People come in and out at will as they kiss icons. There is little bible teaching or congregational singing. They respect the Bible and often have it displayed. But it is rare to hear a sermon. While they are religious and respect the Bible they may be not right with God.

They may think salvation is by being in church, baptism, or by trusting Jesus and your good deeds. They can completely miss the mark. True salvation is in Christ alone and by His grace alone.

There the church is not the people but the building. Yet Scripture tells us the church is God’s people. The Greek word church (ekklesie) literally means an assembly or group…not a building. Buildings are where the “church” meets.

In Russia today there is no separation of church and state. Both are one and the same. Patriarch Kirill, age 75, is the top leader. He endorsed the current invasion of Ukraine and is a personal friend of President Putin. There are also spy churches in Russia. Putin is said to have built many of them to keep track of the people.

Recently the Orthodox church in Ukraine distanced its self from Russia because of conflicts. Ukraine now more freedom and a constitutional separation of church and state.

Evangelical and other protestant-type churches have been increasing since the Cold War. Baptists were among the early groups. I’ve had the privilege of meeting some of these heroes. Their pastors suffered greatly for teaching God’s Word. Today churches there are alive, and I believe growing, and many people are coming to Christ during the war.

Ukraine celebrates Christ’s resurrection a week later than we do so keep them in prayer the 24th.

Want to know more about the reality of Christ’s Resurrection? I suggest you read what my friend Dr. Ernie Zarra wrote. It will stretch you. Thanks Ernie. Click the link below to read it.



Good Friday Service 6:30pm

Sunday Worship #1 8:30am Watch on livestream.

Easter Potluck Fellowship, Sun, 9:30am. No Sunday School so bring a main breakfast dish and side dish to share (for your family plus a guest or two). Side dish ideas: fruit, pastries, little yogurt cups, etc.

Sunday Worship #2 11:00am Watch on livestream.

Note that parking can be tight on Easter. If no spots are left, then parking on the shoulder on our side of the road is legal.