As I write I am in shock again by hearing of another police officer killed. This time it was in Tacoma in a domestic violence situation.  It seems like the news is filled with stories like that across our country. How tragic an event especially at Christmas time; the lives of countless people are affected. 

When will it all end? Is there something that could be done to stop it?  Political candidates decry the situation and pledge to make it better; but the problem persists.

However, Christmas does bring a true and lasting hope in view. The Magi declared the birth of Christ who was a king. Although this was a threat to Herod, this kingdom began in the hearts of men at Christ’s first coming but will materialize in fullness at His second coming. Revelation 19:11 describes it. “And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war.”  This is the opening picture of Christ coming in power to set up His kingdom on earth which He will rule (cf. Rev. 19:11-16; Ezk. 38-39). His rule will deal with evil effectively and bring a lasting peace ultimately.   

This weekend is our Living Nativity (Dec. 3-4). Keep this in prayer.  Rejoice in it also because the hope of Christ’s true, just and lasting kingdom is still ahead. We can also say “Hallelujah” with the multitudes of Heaven because ultimately the just Judge will come.

Invite friends to come and walk through this amazing event.  It’s almost like being there. See you Saturday or Sunday evening Dec. 3 & 4 from 5-8pm.

-Pastor Mark