Being thankful is not always easy to do. Our human nature, having been affected by sin, can tend to pull us down. When the cup is half full we see it as half empty, and the traffic light at the intersection we see as a “stop light” rather than a “go light.”  But, in God’s Word it reminds believers to be thankful.  Paul said to the Colossians, who had their problems, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful.” (Col. 3:15). Paul encouraged them to be thankful even though he was actually in prison when he wrote the letter.

I want to be thankful this Thanksgiving regardless of problems. A few blessings recently have been to celebrate Zhatva (A celebration of thanksgiving for the harvest.  See my blog Passports & Applause) in Ukraine during October. What a blessing to join other believers in giving thanks in spite of being in a country at war. I am thankful for three new grandkids this year; Bella, Titus and Samuel. I am thankful for being able to be at the baptism of two of my older grandkids, Isaiah and Rachelle, a few days ago.

I am thankful for the work the Lord is doing in our church.  Barbara Hoegen recently sent me a “THANKSGIVING TESTIMONY.” She wrote it in the wake of the loss of her husband Tom five years ago and all that God has done since. Here are some excerpts, “Being alone in a foreign country is not easy, especially when you lose someone you love.” “Thank you God for making me become a happy single mom.” “Thank you God for making me a happy widow.”  “Thank you God for giving me three boys, They are different but they are good boys.”  Full copies of her poem are available on the credenza in the foyer.


God has also blessed her and she recently moved into the new house her husband Tom started to build before he died. She now prays she will have the opportunity to someday help spread the gospel in her native Thailand.   

This year our Thanksgiving Offering is going to the Chris Galbreath family. I talked with Chris and Tiffany this week. Chris was hit by a car while walking across a dark street on his way to work September 30th.

“After being hit I flew through the air for four seconds. Now that doesn't seem like a lot of time, but I had a lot of thoughts go through my head in that short amount of time. I remember thinking, " Well, this is probably it, and if it is 'it' then I've lead a good life. I helped bring five wonderful children into the world and started them off with a foundation centered on the Lord and kindness towards all. And I was given by God a partner who would reinforce those values even after I am gone. But if this isn't 'it' then He must have a plan and a use for me yet." And then I hit the ground. That ran through my head all in four seconds and one hundred seven feet. God is good all the time. And He is in control. I can't wait to see His plans for me... but in His timing of course.”

Since then he has had many surgeries, lost a leg and still may lose the other. They are now living with Tiffany’s parents, Norm and Shanon Myers, on the KP. As he goes through continued treatment there are many expenses. Funds have already been given through the website. Gifts marked “Thanksgiving Offering” can be placed in our wall offering box in the back and will go to the Galbreaths.  The offering will be open until January 1st.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving,

Pastor Mark