Baby Shower and Bible Study

First off I want to let you know that you have been invited to a shower In Honor of Ruth Rogers & baby Tyman this coming Saturday at the church:

Secondly, our regular Ladies Bible Study will resume on Thursday September 23rd at 9:30am. I am excited to be together again and to have this time to encourage one another to live wholeheartedly for the Lord’s glory. With the upheaval we see and hear of everywhere in the world let’s take our first study day together to once again look at fear from a Biblical perspective. Let me challenge you to take note of your response to the pressures and uncertainties of life. How do you face them? With cowering, or courage? What gives you courage?

I’m looking forward to a beautiful fall together with you studying God’s amazing word.

Summer Fellowship this Sunday

Ladies and girls, this is just a reminder that Debbie Fisher looks forward to having you over to her home for a relaxed and encouraging late afternoon meal tomorrow—August 1 at 4:30. Debbie is providing the meal for us, but, if you would like to bring your favorite dessert, that would be a treat for everyone.

Christina Suko will be sharing with us so that you can get to know her better before she and her family returns to Ukraine on August 11.

I’m looking forward to seeing you.

Two Opportunities to Meet for Study, Prayer, and Fellowship This Summer

Ladies, as the gathering at Gloria Eynon’s home continues every Thurdsday morning through the summer, you also have an opportunity to meet at Briana Creigier’s home in Port Orchard for a similar time of encouragement. This group meets twice a month. If you are interested, contact Briana ( for details.

One of the highlights of Graham’s Sunday School class this past Sunday included an informative and encouraging list of thoughts concerning true worship from William Temple.

To worship is:

  • To quicken the conscience by the holiness of God.

  • To feed the mind with the truth of God.

  • To open the heart to the love of God.

  • To purge the imagination by the beauty of God.

  • To devote the will to the purpose of God.

    After thinking through these points consider this: don’t let our service get ahead of our worship. Blessings to everyone during this beautiful summer God has given us.