Two Opportunities to Meet for Study, Prayer, and Fellowship This Summer

Ladies, as the gathering at Gloria Eynon’s home continues every Thurdsday morning through the summer, you also have an opportunity to meet at Briana Creigier’s home in Port Orchard for a similar time of encouragement. This group meets twice a month. If you are interested, contact Briana ( for details.

One of the highlights of Graham’s Sunday School class this past Sunday included an informative and encouraging list of thoughts concerning true worship from William Temple.

To worship is:

  • To quicken the conscience by the holiness of God.

  • To feed the mind with the truth of God.

  • To open the heart to the love of God.

  • To purge the imagination by the beauty of God.

  • To devote the will to the purpose of God.

    After thinking through these points consider this: don’t let our service get ahead of our worship. Blessings to everyone during this beautiful summer God has given us.