Count it all Joy

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” James 1:1-2

For many years James 1 has fascinated and challenged my life. In these verses God calls Christians to a totally different attitude toward the difficulties of life than anyone ever comes to naturally. This perspective presents a clear dividing line between those that walk with God and those dependent on themselves. Please take a few minutes to digest Alexander MacLaren’s comments on this eye opening message.

“Oh, brethren! there is nothing that sucks the brightness out of earthly joys when they threaten to interrupt our course, and dazzle our eyes, like turning our attention to Christ, and looking at Him. And there is nothing that takes the poison-sting, and the irritation consequent on it, out of earthly sorrows like remembering the’ Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief.’ Am I to grumble when I think of Him? Shall I make a moan and a mourning for my sorrows when I remember His? Am I to say, ‘O Lord! Thou hast given me as much as I can manage in bearing this terrible blow which Thou hast aimed at me, without repining against Thee. I cannot do any work because I have got so much to bear’? Are we to say that when we remember how He counted not His life dear to Himself, and bore all, and did all, that He might accomplish the Father’s will? Do not let us magnify our griefs, but measure them by the side of Christ’s. Do not let us yield to our impatience, but rather let us think of Him. Consider Him, and patience will have her perfect work.”

Continuing to quote Alexander MacLaren: “Again, let me say, if we would possess in its highest degree this indispensable grace of persistent determination to pursue the Christian course in spite of all antagonisms, we must cultivate the habit of thinking of life, in all its vicissitudes, as mainly meant to make character. That is what the Apostle is saying in the context. He says, ‘Brethren, count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations.’ That is a paradox. It bids a man to be glad because he has trouble and is sad. It seems ridiculous, but the next verse solves the paradox: ‘Knowing this, that the trial of your faith worketh patience.’ That is to say - if I rightly understand the meaning of this world in its bearing on myself, the intention of my whole life to make me what God would have me to be, then I shall not measure things by their capacity to delight and please taste, ambitions, desires, or sense, but only by their power to mould me into His likeness. If I understand that the meanings of sorrow and joy are one, that God intends the same when He gives and when He withdraws, that the fervid suns of autumn and the biting blasts of November equally tend to the production of the harvest, that day and night come from the same cause - the revolution of the earth; if I understand that life is but the scaffolding for building character, and that, if I take out of this world, with all its fading sweets and its fleeting sadnesses, a soul enlarged, ennobled by difficulties and by gladnesses, then I shall welcome them both when they come, and neither the one nor the other will be able to deflect me from my course.”

May you be blessed by James 1 and the discussion we will have on Thursday morning to encourage one another in making this real in our lives. If you are unable to attend in person, please join us on Livestream (at either at 9:30 or anytime after it is posted to see the recorded class.

Joy Even in Suffering

“Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.” 1 Peter 4:12-13

Many years ago when Mark and I were living in Kodiak, Alaska I memorized these amazing verses that plainly present a perspective that few people ever grasp or make their own. We were in our twenties at the time and had not experienced enough of life yet for these incredible words of God to be alive in our lives. Even today, nearly 50 years later, I must remind myself frequently of this amazing truth that changes our outlook concerning the difficulties of life.

Thoughtfully consider John Gill’s comments concerning verse 12. “…the apostle exhorts them not to look upon their afflictions that either did or should attend them as strange and uncommon things; since afflictions, of whatsoever kind, are not things of chance, and do not rise up out of the dust, but are by the appointment, and according to the will of God; and are also the common lot of the people of God in all ages, from the beginning of the world, … yea, Christ himself endured the same hatred, reproach, and contradiction of sinners, against himself;”

“Moreover, this fiery dispensation, be it what it will, was not to destroy them, but to try them, and that for their good, profit, and advantage; just as gold and silver are tried in the fire, and lose their dross, and become purer and brighter…”

“These try a man's profession of religion, whether it is took up on good principles, and without sinister views; since, if it is not, when persecution, because of the word, comes, he is offended and gone; and likewise what a man's principles are, whether worth suffering for or not; and whether they will bear him up, and he abide by them, when called to suffer for them…”

Having God’s perspective on and in suffering fascinates me. I want to encourage you this Thursday morning as we discuss together “Joy Even in Suffering” chapter 6 in our study guides.

Please note that the Good Friday service will be at the Helland’s home—12976 Gopher Hill Place SE, Olalla, WA at 6:30 Friday evening.