Joy Even in Suffering

“Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.” 1 Peter 4:12-13

Many years ago when Mark and I were living in Kodiak, Alaska I memorized these amazing verses that plainly present a perspective that few people ever grasp or make their own. We were in our twenties at the time and had not experienced enough of life yet for these incredible words of God to be alive in our lives. Even today, nearly 50 years later, I must remind myself frequently of this amazing truth that changes our outlook concerning the difficulties of life.

Thoughtfully consider John Gill’s comments concerning verse 12. “…the apostle exhorts them not to look upon their afflictions that either did or should attend them as strange and uncommon things; since afflictions, of whatsoever kind, are not things of chance, and do not rise up out of the dust, but are by the appointment, and according to the will of God; and are also the common lot of the people of God in all ages, from the beginning of the world, … yea, Christ himself endured the same hatred, reproach, and contradiction of sinners, against himself;”

“Moreover, this fiery dispensation, be it what it will, was not to destroy them, but to try them, and that for their good, profit, and advantage; just as gold and silver are tried in the fire, and lose their dross, and become purer and brighter…”

“These try a man's profession of religion, whether it is took up on good principles, and without sinister views; since, if it is not, when persecution, because of the word, comes, he is offended and gone; and likewise what a man's principles are, whether worth suffering for or not; and whether they will bear him up, and he abide by them, when called to suffer for them…”

Having God’s perspective on and in suffering fascinates me. I want to encourage you this Thursday morning as we discuss together “Joy Even in Suffering” chapter 6 in our study guides.

Please note that the Good Friday service will be at the Helland’s home—12976 Gopher Hill Place SE, Olalla, WA at 6:30 Friday evening.